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-''Hello Seokjin. Long time no see.'' – Namjoon said, holding Jin completely paralyzed with a simple spell. It was almost too easy, Namjoon thought. He came closer to the unmoving man sitting in the chair, his eyes were the only thing that was moving. They didn't show fear, nor hatred, but a simple acceptance of his fate. Namjoon stared at Jin, the entire play of emotions danced on his face. He was always naked in front of him, he could never hide his emotions in front of Jin. Not like Jin could.

-''After all these years you haven't lost a grain of your beauty, what's more, you are even more mesmerizing than before.'' – Namjoon observed Jin's face, it was perfect. Skin gentle, beardless, sharp jaw and big plump lips. The slight wrinkles around his eyes and mouth showed character and gave even more beauty to his face. His eyes are the only thing that changed since Namjoon last saw them. Those were the eyes of a man who saw too much, survived and learned so many things. Those were the eyes of a grown man, filled with wisdom and harshness of life, much like Namjoon's were.

His body was tighter, more masculine, more defined. His hands only seemed gentle, but Namjoon knew they spilled blood so many times. One thing hasn't changed and that's Jin's ability to shake Namjoon to the core with his presence and Namjoon hated it.

-''You aged so gracefully I must say.'' – He walked around Jin, who followed him with his eyes, observing his every move as much as he could.

-''You know I spent years planning what to say and do to a man who killed my grandfather. All those ideas. I wanted him to suffer pain, then to extract every bit of information to chase the ones who order it. I wanted to hunt them one by one and murdering them slowly. I must admit to you that I've killed a handful of man who had nothing to do with it by mistake, but they were bad men, so they didn't deserve to live anyway.''

Namjoon bends down to look at Jin more closely, his finger brushing Jin's cheek, down to his jaw.

-''Can you imagine how surprised I was when I found out that the Assassins had given the order. One of your brothers was simply at the wrong place at the wrong time, well...'' – He chuckled. – ''...the right place and the right time for me though. He was young, an apprentice maybe, just like you were back when we first met. Right about the time you lied about who you really are. I don't know whether or not you were a scared boy back then or simply too brilliant for your own good. This one, however, wasn't so smart like you, no...but he was brave, I'll give him that. He tried so hard to keep his secrets from me. Jihoon if I remembered correctly, yes...my first one. Hah, he even cursed me to the Devil's pit, but he cracked as they all do.'' – He made a pause, circling Jin once and then twice, putting one of his hand on Jin's shoulder in a tight grip.

-''I grew stronger Seokjin, much, much stronger since the last time you saw me.'' – The grip was now painful, but Jin couldn't move. His eyes look pained but still calm. Suddenly, he felt Namjoon's warm breath on his right ear. – ''Do you remember what I can do?'' – His fingers ran through Jin's hair, leaving the scalp tingling. – ''Do you remember how I loved to go inside a human's brain and flick through the pages of their memory?''

Jin remembered this of course, but quite the opposite of love. He saw Namjoon do it countless of times and it was never pleasant. But what Jin also remembered was that the man he knew before hated it. It was making him less human and he grieved for each life he took that way, whether they were evil or just bad. The old Namjoon he knew would never have this cruelty in his eyes as this one does. The old Namjoon would have killed him instantly, instead of playing with him like a cat that plays with a mouse. This Namjoon was a stranger to him. This Namjoon locked the real Namjoon somewhere in the depths of his soul if he still has one. Jin listened to the stories about magic and why it was such a taboo. The magical people were always unpredictable and those with less control were more like a ticking bomb, extremely dangerous. That's why they were usually hunted and killed right away. The children born with the pinkish skin mark that reminded of the ink blotch were killed instantly, unless hidden by their parents, usually mothers. Both of the twins had it, hidden behind their ears. Tae had it on his left side, while V got his on the right. Because of that Jin always made them wear long hair to cover it, to keep them safe. He also knew that magic attracted to magic and that if Namjoon ever goes in search of him he would take the twins away. Their magic, even though bounded, were visible underneath their skin. They were different, their magic was perfectly balanced by each other, connected with the invisible lines of their blood. Jin knew that Namjoon would have wanted them, to use or to kill, Jin wasn't sure which one. What Jin didn't know just how much power Namjoon had, but somehow he got the feeling that he was about to find out. The stronger the magic, the easier is for her to consume you because magic is not something to be ruled, but something to be carefully used. The only thing you can do is to try and control yourself, so it won't get a hold over you. Namjoon, as it seemed, has lost his control and Jin was now faced with magic itself and not the man who wields it.

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