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-''Your brother hates me.'' – Jimin said seriously, staring at his wine cup for a whole minute now. V noticing his best friend's calmness, simply moved his head slightly to show his acknowledgment. It's been a few days since the incident, Tae and Jimin didn't speak and V just waited to see how long Jimin will keep his silence. Apparently not anymore.

-''Why is he hates me so?'' – Jimin asked, raising his eyes to look at the man sitting next to him. V sighed deeply and spoke quietly, his deep voice sounded dark. – ''Tae doesn't hate you Jiminie. He just...''

-''Hates me!'' – Jimin said and slapped his hand on the table, making the plates and cups clatter.

-''Jimin.'' – V warned, but his friend simply emptied his wine and reached to fill his cup again. – ''He hates me V...every single time I come closer to him, he pushes me away. I know I can be a bit hard sometimes, but even when I'm on my best behavior, he pushes me away. Why V, why? What is that I do that makes him wrinkle his nose in disgust and roll his eyes?

-''It's nothing Jimin, Tae is just like that...he likes who he likes and don't care for anything else. He picked that up from Jin Hyung. It's an annoying habit of theirs. Just ignore him and he'll get around.'' – V said, knowing that his brother would welcome the break from his best friend's company more than it will change his mind towards the other man. V didn't know why Tae disliked Jimin that much, Tae has never told him and V never really cared enough to ask. But Jimin cared. Jimin cared very much so. V knew it was more the fact that Tae ignored and refused him, than anything else, because in the whole truth, Jimin hates is being ignored.

-''And I like him, I really do V...I really do. He is just like you, but more... softer, more...prettier... no offense mate... I would definitively bang your ass, but his...damn...I want to make love to his booty, softly and tenderly, you know.''

-''Jimin you would wreck his ass like you usually do to the others...''

Jimin pouted his lips slightly in a though. – ''That's maybe true...but not at first. He will have to beg me first. I would be a real gentleman.''

V snorted. – ''That would never happen.''

-''See...even you think so... he hates me.''

-''Jiminah.'' – V sighed exasperatedly. – ''If you stop trying to hump his ass every single time when you see him maybe he would be more polite to you.''

-''Not hump Tae's booty!? Are you mental? How can I not? It's perfect!''

-''I thought you said that Yoongi had the most perfect butt.''

-''Ah Yoongi...'' – Jimin said dreamily. – ''He did have a perfect ass. The way it pulsated around my cock...oh fuck I have to have him again. V I do...''

-''Make up your mind Jiminie...is it my twin you want or Hyung?''

-''Can't I have both?'' – Jimin asked hopefully, smirking.

-''Only one Jiminie, but as it seems you will have neither.''

-''Oh what a poor sport you are V when you sound all reasonable. You are everything but that.''

V smiled slightly, his eyes still looking at the opposite side at one smiling figure across the tavern, who was currently playing his guitar and sang some teasing song, filled with dark humor and filthy words. His fiery red hair and heart-shaped lips spilled such filth with a smile and teasing gleam in his eyes. The man was naughty as much as he was charming. V couldn't take his eyes off him. The redhead finished his song with a grandiose high note, remotely reminding V of a female moan before the played the last of the notes on his strings. The men in the room roared with joy and women hide their red cheeks in amusement and slight embarrassment. The redhead bowed several times.

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