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As the first lights of dawn crept through the window and fell on a sleeping face on the table, the household started to stir. The servants were up and ready for yet another day, preparing the wood for furnaces in the kitchen as the freshly made dough had his time to rise until it would be put in the oven and baked for breakfast. Jimin, whose body was half in the chair and half bent across the table, one hand around now empty wine cup, moved gently, eyes fluttering open, as he squinted on sudden light in his eyes. He grunted and moved, stretching his stiff limbs and joints and yawning widely as he scratched his dark hair. He had a headache, but he couldn't sleep anymore, not here that is. Heechul was on the chair across him, with both of his feet on the table as he snored quietly.-''Oh, I'm never drinking again.'' – He murmured to himself, knowing perfectly well that he would never keep that promise and stood up to his feet. He stretched again, hearing his joints pop as the blood rushed through his veins. His lower back was especially stiff since he slept most of the night in the weird position. He took a tentative step forward towards the bathroom to relieve himself but hissed slightly at his cramped legs. Slowly step by step he reached the door and went to the hallway, leaving sleepy pirate behind him.After some moments in the bathroom, he got out, feeling much better. He washed his hands and splashed water over his face to get rid of the sleepiness. He went back into the hall and up the stairs into the corridor which led to his room to get changed when he saw V getting out from Yoongi's room on the other side of the hall. Jimin hid around the corner, not wanting to meet him just yet. Not noticing the hurried movement on the opposite side, V left to his own business and Jimin sighed in relief. It would be weird to explain his best friend why was he hiding from him, but then again V was not supposed to be in Yoongi's room in the first place. He found himself creeping to Yoongi's door, standing in front of it for some time. He urged himself to get in, not sure whether or not he should knock or just let himself in. He didn't know if the other two men were also awake by now, or is V the only one who sneaks out of their bed so early. Their bed. Yoongi's bed. Jimin shuddered at the thought and put his ear on the door to listen. Everything seemed quiet. Jimin's fingers wrapped himself around the doorknob, turning it quietly until it opens. Barely breathing he sneaked in, eyes adjusting to the darkness since the heavy curtains were pulled on, preventing the morning sunlight to enter the room. His eyes fell on the huge bed and he could see the sleeping figure in it, under the covers. Jimin looked carefully for a few heartbeats, not daring to breathe. It was only one figure there. Jimin came closer, almost bending over the bed as he stared at the sleeping man, trying to recognize who it was. The high cheekbones and angelic face, together with a mop of tangled, and as Jimin presumed, red hair, since he couldn't see well, told Jimin that he was looking at Hoseok. But...where is Yoongi Hyung then? Jimin straightens himself, looking around, but couldn't find the other man. He must have gotten out before V. Jimin got out silently and went for his room, wanting to change his clothes before he went in search of Yoongi, but was shockingly surprised seeing him in his own bed. Yoongi's small form was curled into a fetal position, his hands held the covers around himself, hiding his face. Jimin's heart swelled with warmth when he saw him. He closed the door behind quickly, but silently, so not to wake him up and went towards his bed. He took his shoes off and his jacket before slipping into the covers behind him. He gently placed his arms around the man, pulling him into himself until he was spooning him from behind. Yoongi stirred and hummed. – ''Jiminah?''-''Yes Hyung, it's just me, go to sleep.''-''Jiminah, I've...been looking for you... but you...weren't....here.'' – He yawned and snuggled back into Jimin.-''I am here now Hyung. I won't leave.''-''Mmmm...good....'' – Yoongi murmured sleepily. – ''So good...''They woke up a few hours later. Yoongi was now wrapped around Jimin's chest, his nose buried in Jimin's neck while their legs were tangled together. Jimin had his arm around the smaller man, his right cheek resting on Yoongi's hair. It was so peaceful, Jimin enjoyed immensely. Yoongi, however, a bit ashamed of his clinginess, started to move away but was stopped by Jimin.-''Don't...Hyung please...stay...''-''Jiminah...''-''Please Hyung, let's just stay like this....for a while. It's comfortable isn't it?''Yoongi was silent but didn't continue to pull back. Moreover, he was snuggling more into Jimin, who sighed contently.-''You know Hyung, I can get used to waking up next to you like this.''Yoongi was still silent, his body went a little stiff. Sensing his alarm, Jimin hurriedly continued talking. – ''It took me a while to know my own mind and feelings Hyung.'' – He said trying to wake sufficiently enough so he could form coherent sentences. He needed to tell Yoongi what he feels and now was probably the best time.-''My entire life I was fighting for everything I have. Nothing was given to me....and I...I know that I was acting like a jerk towards you...I'm sorry Hyung...I am so sorry. I would never be able to forgive myself for treating you like I did.''He stopped talking for a moment, composing his thoughts. He knew that he had Yoongi's full attention now, considering the way he was breathing slow and deep, the body still tensed in his embrace.

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