Chapter 3

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Jimin POV

I smirk as I eye up the boy stood right in front of the door of the office. Taller than me and clearly built, he's got a surprising cherry reddish hair color and an adorable face.

"You ready to get going, Jungkook? I'm sure you don't wanna be late for class on your first day, right?" I question with a wink as I walk over to him. His eyes widen just a tad as his cheeks flush lightly. Reaching up and running a hand through his hair, he nods his head.

"Yeah, I'm ready to get to class." He mumbles with a small smile, a seemingly intrigued look in his eyes as he tilts his head to the side slightly, eyes now running up and down my body. I merely chuckle at this, putting a hand on his upper arm to gently spin him around while walking around him.

Opening the door for him, I motion for him to head out the door first with a smile, contently watching as he shyly steps out first and mumbling a quiet 'thank you'. Letting the door fall shut behind me, I lead him away from the office.

"So, where are you from, sweetheart?" I  ask, looking back at him with a smirk. His eyes widen in surprise at the little nickname, lips parting from this.

"Sweetheart?" Jungkook asks with a confused frown, as he continues following me. I chuckle once more, enjoying just how surprised and confused he is by this.

"Would you rather me call you something different, Jungkookie? I could call you... Kookie? love? Hot stuff? Baby?" I offer, turning back to face forward as I lead us down a different hallway. I catch the sound of him nearly choking on air at the last one, surprised with how flirty I'm being with him. It amuses me, loving just how caught off guard he is by my flirting.

"Uh-um... Ya know, Jungkook or Jungkookie works really well. Even Kookie would be good, honestly." He answers with a shy smile, rubbing the back of his neck shyly. I hum quietly with a smirk still on my face, trying to keep my act going on strong as I grow tired of it already.

"Aw, really? Why's that? You don't like the other ones?" I somewhat tease as I glance back at him once more. Biting his lip, he looks away from me as he glances around at the other kids in the hallway, seeming to only now realize that their attention has been on us the entire time.

"I'm really okay with the ones I just listed, Jimin." He repeats, still not looking back over at me.

Seconds later, I lead him into our classroom that's currently about half full. Almost instantly, I hear whistles coming from the back of the room, not missing him snapping his head in the direction of the sound in surprise. I laugh loudly at them, shaking my head as I shoot them all a wink.

"Oh, Jiminie's gonna be having a good time now!" Hoseok shouts from his seat, causing me to laugh even harder. I just smirk back at them, running a hand through my hair.

"You must be the new student, yes?" Our teacher, Ms. Ming, says as she walks up to us. Jungkook gives her a small smile and nods his head.

"Perfect. Well, hopefully our principal explained to you that Jimin here will be your seat mate. He can show you to your seat. If you have any questions, Jimin should be able to answer them considering he's one of our top students. If he can't answer a question for whatever reason, then feel free to come to me." She informs him before heading back to her desk. I simply just give Jungkook another wink, motioning with my head for him to follow me.

Sighing quietly, Jungkook simply nods before following me. I lead him to the back of the room, opposite the side of where my friends are sat before motioning for him to sit down.

Sitting down in my own seat, I pull out my notebook as Jungkook does the same. Though, before anything more can be done as I set my notebook on our tabletop, Namjoon appears in front of us.

"Ah, Jungkookie, this is one of my friends, Namjoon. Hyung, this is the newbie." I  introduce them with a smug smile as I lean back in my chair. Namjoon just gives him a smirk as he eyes up the boy beside me.

"It's nice to meet you, Jungkook. I expect I'll be seeing you around quite often considering you've been placed by our Jiminie's side all day long. I have no doubt you two will become good friends in no time, and that we'll be friends soon enough as well."

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