Chapter 30

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Jimin POV

As we walk up to Jungkook's front door, he's got his arm wrapped around my waist as we reach the door. I just stay silent as he goes to unlock the door, a confused expression on his face as he sticks his keys back in his pocket without unlocking the second lock. Looking up at him curiously as he opens the door, he just gives me a small smile and kisses my forehead before leading us inside. Though, when we step foot inside, there's a woman sat on the couch in his living room to our right, her head snapping up the moment we walk in.

"Eomma?" Jungkook speaks up, the surprise in his voice clear as day as he tilts his head to the side slightly. My grip on his hand tightens immediately, growing instantly nervous over the fact that I'm suddenly meeting his mother. He immediately looks back down at me, leaning down and kissing my cheek lightly for comfort. I just take a deep breath, casting my gaze to the floor nervously.

"Jungkook, where the hell have you been? I get a call from the school to find out that you're not in school, you don't answer the house phone, causing me to come home early from my business trip - which, mind you, made me leave halfway through a meeting - only to find that you're not even home?! And who the hell is this kid?" His mother explodes with a glare as she stands up from her spot on the couch, setting her computer down on the coffee table in front of her. Instinctively, I shuffle into Jungkook's side, using all my strength not to hide my face into his chest. However, I'm taken aback as Jungkook scoffs boldly at his mother.

"If work is so damn important to you, like it's been my entire fucking life, why'd you bother coming home to check on me? If it was that much of an inconvenience for you, then why did you bother leaving work in the first place?" Jungkook challenges coldly.

He's just as frustrated with his home life as I've been for years now...

"Jeon Jungkook, how dare you speak to me that way. I am your mother. You should know how to fucking respect me better than this. I want this kid gone and you up in your room. You're fucking grounded without electronics for a month." She growls, her glare darkening. I can see the anger raging inside her, reminding me all too much of my own father as I give into my weaker side and hide my face in Jungkookie's chest. I feel his arm snake from around my waist to back up a little, beginning to rub my back gently as he kisses the top of my head.

"That's kind of a pathetic threat, Eomma. I'm eighteen. You can't threaten me anymore anyways. And, even if you could, you have no right to. You didn't fucking raise me. Not since I was three fucking years old. If anyone has any real right to threaten me and punish me for wrong doings, it would be the maids. They are the ones who actually raised me, were here for me through everything while you were off drowning yourself in work so that you didn't have to face the goddamn reality of your husband leaving you. And you want me to respect you? Are you kidding? How much respect have you shown me, Eomma? How much respect are you showing Jimin? How much respect are you gonna show me when I tell you he's my fucking boyfriend and there's not a goddamn thing that you can do about it?" Jungkook growls lowly as his grip on me tighten just a tad near the end. I stay silent, wrapping my arms around his waist tightly as I squeeze my eyes shut in worry of what's going to happen.

"Get out of here. Get your shit, and get out. I will not tolerate you acting so disrespectful and wasting your life away by trying to get attention for pretending to like the same sex as you, Jungkook. Get your shit and get the fuck out of here." She snaps darkly in response. I pull my head away from his chest just a tad, looking up at him with tears in my eyes. Though, it's the softest look I've ever seen from him when he casts his gaze down to me, a small smile on his lips before he leans down and pecks my lips lightly.

"Somehow I feel like this city is a little too nasty for us, baby. What do you think about getting a hotel for the night and then moving onto Busan tomorrow? Hmm? How does that sound, Jiminie? Then we won't have to worry about your father or anyone else trying to hurt either of us or trying to pull us away from each other."

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