Chapter 11

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Jimin POV

As lunchtime finally rolls around, I bite back a sigh as I slide all of my things into my bag before standing. Jungkook looks over at me with a sweet smile before I take his hand in mind, lacing our fingers together as I watch him begin to blush deeply. I just force a chuckle and shake my head at him, despite just how much pain it all causes me.

Leading us out of the classroom, I decide upon taking us to Jungkook's locker rather than stopping at mine. I'll drop him off at lunch before stopping at my locker and heading up to the roof as I plan.

Exiting the classroom, we meet up with Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon who all just smile at the two of us knowingly. I roll my eyes at them, not bothering to fake a smile for them and instead let my annoyance show. Namjoon and Hoseok seem fairly surprised by this annoyance, but Yoongi for whatever reason seems to have almost expected it.

The three of them engage Jungkook in conversation as we head to his locker, keeping him occupied as he gathers his things before we all head off to lunch. Though, when we reach the canteen, I stop just in front of the doorway and let Jungkook's hand go finally. He stops in his tracks immediately, turning back to look at me in confusion and worry.

"What're you doing, Jimin? Aren't you coming?" Jungkook asks softly, back tracking from the boys and turning around so that he's facing me. I just smile up at him, ruffling his hair as he chuckles softly at the feeling.

"I've gotta go and talk to some of the teachers since I missed some of our classes this morning, baby. You shouldn't worry about me so much. If I can take care of you and satisfy what you need, I can take care of me." I tell him with a wink. He blushes once more, ruffling his own hair as he grows flustered once again.

"Just make sure you get something to eat, yeah?" Jungkook mumbles shyly. I merely smile and nod my head, leaning up and pecking his lips.

"I've got it covered, sweetheart. Go eat." I inform him, patting his shoulder gently before lightly pushing him back. He just smiles, nodding his head at me before heading back inside the canteen.

Though, I'm not left alone for long as Yoongi exits the canteen just seconds later, eyes locked on me with a smug smirk on his lips. I just sigh, rolling my eyes at him as I lead us a short distance down the hall so as to be away from all the people entering.

"What do you want, hyung?" I question quietly, leaning sideways against a locker as I reluctantly look up at him with a small frown.

To say the least, telling Jungkook I'd overslept was probably the biggest lie of all time. The last thing I got last night was sleep and I wish desperately right now that it truly had been my reason for being late.

"So, you've fallen for him already, huh?" Yoongi asks, his ever present smirk still there on his thin lips. I give him a small glare, not entirely liking where this is going.

"Hyung, fuck off. I don't need taunted right now. I just want to go around and collect the shit I missed earlier." I tell him, not being able to admit truthfully to any of my friends about what really goes on at home and the fact that I simply want to go to the rooftop to sleep right now.

"I guess, in a way, it's a good thing you fell for him already, right? Means you don't have feelings for your best friend anymore then, yeah?" He says in a question like tone, walking around me so that I've now got my back against the locker behind me and him stood close. I try not to gulp at our proximity, now beginning to struggle with how close I am with him.

It's one thing nobody ever knew about Yoongi and I, one thing we've always kept a secret. One that, while I'd like to end so that I could have a proper relationship with Jungkook, I'm not entirely sure that I'm ready to end it. And it sucks, because I know he's doing this all on purpose. It's not like I've got a true chance with Jungkook anyways since he'll be heartbroken and end things with me the moment he finds out that this was supposed to be a bet, even if I did truly fall for him. Yet, Yoongi will always be here for me and he's the only one who's seen the things that I keep hidden with my clothes and bits of my late mother's old makeup.

"Yoongi, please don't do this to me right now. This isn't fair. You know I'll give into you even though I'm dating Jungkook." I whine softly, placing my hands on his hips as my grip tightens on him immediately. He moans softly in an instant at my touch, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck as he begins peppering my skin with little bites and kisses, his hips immediately bucking up against mine. I toss my head back against the locker as I try to keep my eyes from screwing shut, grip on his hips tightening even further if possible.

"Yeah, but is any of it real with him? Is he going to give you what you need the way you know I can? Is he gonna stay with you after his heart gets crushed when he finds out about the bet? Because you know, baby, you know he's gonna find out." Yoongi whispers huskily in my ear before nipping there as well. I huff out, trying to keep my breath and myself together while we're still in the thankfully empty hallway.

"Fuck it all, Yoongi. Just get us to the goddamned roof before you send me over the edge right fucking here."

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