Chapter 19

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Jimin POV

"Honestly? As bad as this is probably gonna sound,... Yeah, I really do think I've fallen for him. I think I've fallen for Jimin." I hear Jungkook respond in a shy tone. My lips fall slack as my gaze slowly falls to the ground.

Closing my eyes, I lean my head against the wall beside me, being hidden from them just around the corner. I know now the pills that I've just taken will be of no use to me, knowing what's about to come.

Squeezing my eyes shut tightly, I force myself around the corner, hoping I can get there in time to shut the hyungs up before they tell him. However, I know by their smug smirks as they glance behind Jungkook to me, I know I've lost. That I'm too late.

I never thought I'd be so fucking heartbroken to hear someone admit that they actually fell for me, that they actually really cared for me...

"That's really a shame, you know, Jungkook." Namjoon starts, his eyes traveling back to the taller boy in front of him. I watch as Jungkook tilts his head to the side curiously, obviously not understanding.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook questions in pure confusion.

"No, don't tell him." I finally manage to get myself to speak up. Jungkook twists back to look at me before back to the others. It may have been no longer than half a second that he was turned back to look at me, but it was still long enough for me to see the worry in his eyes.

"Well, you see-" Hoseok starts, smirking just as much as Namjoon.

"Stop it! He doesn't need to know, it's not important!" I yell at them, taking a step forward so as to take Jungkook's hand in mine. They both chuckle though, rolling their eyes.

"Guys, what's going on?" Jungkook questions, looking over at me worriedly.

"It's nothing, Kookie. They're just trying to be a couple of assholes. It's no big deal and nothing you need to worry about." I respond, cringing as I hear just how pleading I am right now.

"That's funny, Jiminie. Because last we knew, all any of this was to you, was nothing more than a bet. That you didn't really care about him and that none of this was anything more than a bet for you to win. And you did." Hoseok finally announces.

I feel my heart shatter right here and now, watching Jungkook's face fall immediately at his words. At the word bet. Slowly, Jungkook looks back over to me, but I can't manage to look back up at him. I feel him pull his hand away from mine, taking a step back.

"Jimin, tell me it isn't true." Jungkook whispers, his voice cracking as he speaks. I open my mouth to speak, but nothing manages to come out.

"It started off that way, Jungkook. It started off as nothing more than a bet, but it's not-" Before I can finish speaking, I feel his hand come in contact with my cheek. My knees buckle at the feeling, no longer strong enough to take any of it anymore.

"Everything. Jimin. I gave you fucking everything, and not a damn thing meant anything to you? I... I'm so fucking disgusted in you and at myself for falling for you. You're nothing more than a worthless player who doesn't deserve anything in life." Jungkook snaps, his words making me want to just throw up. Just go die and get the hell out of here.

I just hear Namjoon and Hoseok chuckle though, neither of them caring about what they've just done. Within seconds, I'm left alone. It takes a good five minutes before I manage to get my body to move at all. Pulling out my phone, I quickly type up a message to Yoongi first.

Jimin: Hi Yoongi. So, I know you said you don't ever want to see me again and that you never wanted to hear from me again. Good news I guess... Because you won't be hearing or seeing from me ever again after today, after this text. I'm sorry for all of the pain I put you through, never realizing what I was doing to you. I hope you find someone who sees the value in you that I always missed. Don't worry about ever telling Jungkook about the bet either... Hobi did that one for you. Bye.

Setting my phone down off to the side with already blurred vision from tears, I reach into my bag to pull out the pill bottles and a water bottle. Opening up the bottles, I bite my lip mildly worried. If this doesn't work then it's gonna be hell to go through... But, if it does, then I can finally get the hell out of this shit hole.

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