Chapter 27

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Jungkook POV

My heart absolutely shatters as I sit and listen to Jimin explain his life to me. Who he really is and everything that he has gone through. Of course though, it doesn't scare me away from him at all like he's been terrified of all along. It doesn't make me want to run and hide, or view him as disgusting or anything. It's the complete opposite, if anything.

Looking down at him, he's got tears in his beautiful eyes, his gaze locked on our clasped hands that he's quit fidgeting with. I can see the fear in his eyes, the fear and the pain and the sadness all mixing together in those beautiful orbs of his.

Giving him the tiniest of smiles even though he's not looking up at me, I reach up and gently cup his cheek, brushing my thumb across his cheek gently. He slowly drags his gaze up to look at me, his breathing growing a little heavy out of most likely fear. My smile grows though, not wanting him to feel so nervous about all of this right now. Leaning down slowly, I gently lay my lips against his own for just a soft second before pulling away again. A lone tear slowly slides down his cheek as he looks back up at me, plump lips trembling lightly.

"I'm so sorry you've had to go through all of that, baby. I wish I could've been there to make it all better and could've been there for you. You don't have to be so afraid though, baby. I'm still not going anywhere, Jiminie." I whisper softly, watching as another tear begins to roll down his cheek. His lips part lightly, trembling more than before as his eyes don't waver from mine for a second.

"You're not gonna leave me? But... But aren't you disgusted? Don't you hate me? Aren't you gonna leave? Never want to see me again?" Jimin mumbles, sounding so painfully lost and confused. My smile dips down a little at the edges, my smile saddening at how much he was expecting me to run and hide despite having already promised that I'd never do that.

"Oh, baby. I already told you and even promised. I'm not going anywhere, Jiminie. You aren't disgusting, you aren't pathetic or weak, or any of those lies. You're still you, baby. Sweet, and beautiful, and adorable, and kind and caring, and everything I viewed you as before. You're just a little more broken up inside than what I originally knew. That's all, baby. That's the only thing that's changed, that's different. And anyways, it only makes me wanna help make you happy again even more. It only makes me love you even more, baby." I murmur softly, pecking his lips gently again.

In an instant, I'm wrapped up into a hug, being weakly pulled down against him. I manage to catch myself before completely landing on top of him, carefully maneuvering myself so that I lay down beside of him. He curls into my side almost immediately, sobbing suddenly as he latches an arm around my torso, burying his head into my chest. The sight of him so broken like this kills me, hating seeing him so sad and hurt. I just wrap my arms around him though, kissing the top of his head as I rub his back gently with one hand and gently tangle my hand into his hair with the other. He whimpers softly at my touch, though seeming to nuzzle into it even more as he holds me and just cries his heart out.

I just stay quiet, whispering soft nothings into his ear. His heart rate goes up enough within a few minutes, that a nurse opens up the door and peaks her head in to see what's going on. Though, when she sees us, she just gives me a small smile and nods her head at me before stepping back out and closing the door.

It takes a little while, though he soon manages to calm down. Looking back down at him, I watch as he tiredly lifts his head up to look at me. I can see just how exhausted he is, how close to falling asleep he now is, yet just how relieved he is. I just smile down at him, gently brushing his hair back out of his eyes and off his forehead as his eyes flutter shut at the feeling.

"You're not frustrated or disappointed or something though? I'm nothing of the personality I pretend to have at school. I'm not outgoing or forward or confident or anything. I'm just a stupid, shy, waste of time. I have no real control over my life and it's nothing great." Jimin mumbles, rubbing his eye tiredly. I just smile and shake my head, kissing his forehead.

"I still love you all the same, Jiminie. I'm not disappointed or frustrated or anything of the sort. You're not stupid or a waste of anyone's time. I'm never leaving you, Jimin. You're the only one I want to be with and that's not changing. I don't care if you've got tons of confidence or none of it, whether you're shy or not, whether you're outgoing or forward. None of it matters to me, baby. All that matters to me, is you." I whisper softly, rubbing his back lightly. The tiniest of smiles tugs onto his lips as he looks up at me, seeming to appreciate my response.

"I love you too, Jungkookie." Jimin mutters out quietly as he lays his head back down on my chest, nuzzling into me a bit more.

"Get some sleep, Jimin. I know you're tired, baby." I murmur gently, running my fingers through his hair lightly. He huffs, nuzzling his head further into my chest.

"I'm tired and my tummy hurts and so does my head. Just wanna sleep." He mumbles nearly incoherently. I just smile, wishing I could take away all of his pain already, though know these particular ones are from him having tried to overdose.

"Just get some sleep, baby. I'll be right here the whole time."

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