Chapter 25

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Jungkook POV

Sitting in the chair beside Jimin's bed with my lip tucked between my teeth, I wait nervously for Jimin to say something. I have no idea if he's going to flip out on me for what I just said or what the hell his reaction is going to be to it. All I can do is hope that it's not a really bad one and that he'll actually tell me what the hell is going on.

"I'd really prefer not to talk about what Yoongi mentioned, Jungkook. It's not important." Jimin finally replies softly. I frown at his response, gently taking his hand in mine. I can see just how much whatever it is he's hiding affects him, and it worries me just as to what exactly is going on.

"Jiminie, please? I can see how much whatever you're hiding is hurting you. Baby, please. I really wanna fix things. And from the sounds of what Yoongi said, it sounds like I hardly know you." I respond in a gentle tone. He sighs quietly, running a hand through his hair.

"That's because you do hardly know me." Jimin mumbles under his breath, the silence of the room enabling me to hear him. I purse my lips at his words for a moment, my heart aching in my chest for him and for us.

"Then help me to know you better, baby. I don't wanna lose you." I murmur softly, gently brushing his hair back out of his eyes. He looks over at me, the pain and sadness clear as day in his eyes. Though, it's not just the pain and sadness that gets to me, but the tiredness in his eyes as well. Pressing my lips together tightly, I get up and sit down on the edge of his bed, wanting to be closer to him. His eyes just follow my movements, staying silent.

"Jungkookie... Do you not like who I've been since you came here? Do you not like who I am?" Jimin whimpers weakly, his voice still quiet as he looks up at me. I sigh softly, shaking my head.

"Baby, it doesn't matter who you've masked yourself to be. While who you've pretended to be is a wonderful person, baby, I want to know the real you. I wanna date the real Park Jimin, the you without the mask. Not the mask, baby, I don't wanna date the mask." I whisper softly, reaching up and cupping his cheek gently. His lips form a small pout, his gaze falling a bit.

"You won't like the real me, Kookie. Nobody would. That's why nobody gets to know that side of me." Jimin mumbles in a sad tone. I feel my heart just crack in my chest, aching so much for the pain he's feeling and just wishing I could fix things already. Giving him a tiny smile despite the fact that he's not paying a whole lot of attention, I lean in and press my lips against his. I can feel the surprise coming off of him as his lips part ever so slightly against mine. His quickly begin to tremble though, molding them against mine before beginning to move his against mine. I smile into it a bit, kissing back for a few seconds before I pull away again.

The pain in his eyes are only so much more clear and apparent though, when I pull away. Tears now formed in his eyes, my heart nearly shatters at the sight.

"I think I'm going to have to disagree with that, baby. I really want to get to know you. And, after talking to Yoongi hyung earlier, it sounds like the real you is just as amazing and even better than that little mask you constrain yourself to, Jiminie. I promise, I'm not gonna run away and hide if you let me in and let me know and see the real you, sweetheart. I'm not gonna run and disappear like you're afraid of." I whisper softly, gently brushing my thumb over his cheek lightly. The first tear falls at my words, his eyes falling shut as more tears follow the first.

"But you won't, Jungkookie. I'm nothing but a weak, ugly, pathetic mess without the mask. Can't I just keep you and the mask?" Jimin mumbles through the tears as he looks up at me with beautiful wide doe like eyes. I give him a small smile, leaning down and pecking his lips gently.

"Sorry, sweet baby, but no. I don't wanna date your mask, Jiminie. I wanna date you. The real you." I tell him lightly with a small smile. He huffs quietly, leaning back once again against the bed as he looks down at his lap while fiddling with his fingers.

"But you won't like me without the mask. How could you like the me without the mask when I don't even like me without my mask?" Jimin poses in a quiet voice. I sigh, gently brushing his hair back once more.

"I promise, Jimin. I'm sure I'll love you even more than I already do by getting to actually know you and getting to know the real you. You've got nothing to be afraid of, baby."

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