Chapter 14

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Jungkook POV

"Has anyone seen Yoongi lately?" Jimin questions with a small frown. It's Friday now, and we're walking the halls to drop our things off at our lockers before heading to lunch. I shake my head in response before looking over to the other two.

"We've not seen him. I'd have thought you would know, Jimin. You're closest to him." Hoseok answers with a shrug. I glance back over to my boyfriend, watching him run a hand through his hair roughly. I'm caught off guard when we reach his locker just seconds later, watching him slam his knee up into the metal door of it in frustration. Frowning, I gently lay a hand on his shoulder before glancing back at the other two.

"We'll meet the two of you in the canteen." Namjoon whispers quietly with a nod as he grabs Hoseok's wrist and pulls him away from us.

"Jiminie, is everything okay?" I ask softly, looking down at him in worry. He lets out a long and heavy sigh, running his hand through his hair once more as he nods his head.

"Everything's fine, baby. I'm just worried about Yoongi. That's all. He usually doesn't miss this much school." Jimin explains quietly, not looking over to me as he opens his locker and tosses his bag inside. I jump slightly as he slams the door shut, still very clearly worked up.

"Jimin, are you sure there isn't something more that's bothering you? You seem a little more frustrated than for it to just be Yoongi's absence." I question gently, grabbing his wrist to keep him from walking away from his locker. He groans, ripping his wrist from my hand before slumping himself back against his now dented locker.

"It's nothing, baby. Really, you don't need to worry about me." Jimin mutters quietly, crossing his arms over his chest as he looks down at the floor beneath his feet.

"Park Jimin, you can't walk up to your locker and punch it, slam the door shut, and then tell me that it's nothing and that I don't need to worry about you. You've been seeming to grow more and more agitated as the week has gone on, baby. I'm really worried about you, and I want to help. But, I can't help, Jiminie, when you won't let me in." I counter frustratedly. He takes a deep breath, tipping his head back against his locker as he glares up at the ceiling above us. I stay quiet for a minute, giving him a bit of time to try and collect his thoughts so as not to upset him even further than what he already is.

If all of this frustration really is about Yoongi, then I can't lie and say I'm not worried about our relationship. He's as worried for Yoongi as I was about him not showing up if that's what all of this is about, and that would be a bit of a problem. It makes me begin to wonder if it's really me he wants or Yoongi. I mean, he and Yoongi both had been gone for the entire lunch period back at the beginning of this week. I may have only been here for about a week and a half now, but I'm not blind enough to be able to miss something like that.

Biting my lip, I silently take a step to stand in front of Jimin, reaching up to cup his cheek gently. He slowly brings his head back down from staring at the ceiling to look at me, a tired expression in his eyes as he looks at me with a blank face.

"Baby, please tell me what's happening. You're really worrying me. And, if all of this really is about Yoongi, then-then maybe you should just-" I'm cut off by the feeling of his plump lips being placed against mine. I feel my body relax a bit at the feeling, growing more reassured about us as he gently moves our lips together in sync. It's not a long kiss, but long enough to answer my fear and tell me that I'm so very wrong in that fear.

"I don't want to date Yoongi, baby. You're the only person I want to be with. Okay? I don't want you to start getting any of that type of nonsense in your head, because that shit isn't real. You have nothing to be scared of, baby. You're my Jungkookie, and my baby. The only one I want to date. Okay? Now let's get to lunch before they run out of food. Someone's gotta make sure you're eating, right?" Jimin teases lightly at the end with a small wink, his tone soft and gentle the entire time he speaks. I feel my cheeks warm at his words, nodding my head shyly as I begin to feel much better about the situation.

"I just have a bit of a temper sometimes, sweetheart. It'll happen occasionally. Nothing to worry about." Jimin says with a small smile, kissing my cheek before taking my hand in his, lacing our fingers together and leading us away from the lockers and back towards the canteen.

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