Chapter 29

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Jungkook POV

"It won't happen again." Jimin mumbles out in response to the doctor, though I think we all know that it's not at all the response that the man was looking for.

"Jimin, I need more than that. I need to know why you overdosed, not just hearing you say it won't happen again." He tells the orange haired boy as I continue drawing little patterns to help keep him calm. He just groans, shaking his head as he curls up a bit and burrows into me further. I just give him a tiny smile, running my fingers through his hair lightly.

"It doesn't matter why. What matters is that it's not gonna happen again." Jimin responds with a from, gaze not meeting the doctors.

"Unfortunately, Jimin, it does matter why. I need to know what happened." He repeats himself. He grumbles under his breath as he glares up at the man.

"Because life was fucking shit, okay?! Because I fucking lost everyone and didn't think I had any chance of getting them back! Because my fucking father abuses me and wants me to be fucking perfect! Because I'm never fucking good enough, okay?! That's fucking why I overdosed! Because I was just fucking alone anyways! Now get the hell off my back about it 'cause it's not gonna happen again! So fuck off!" Jimin bursts angrily, his body unbelievably tense.

I hush him softly, kissing the top of his head in hopes of calming him down. I return to rubbing his back instead of the little patterns I'd been drawing, continuing to play with his hair with my other hand. He whimpers softly at this, laying his head back down and burying his face into my chest once more.

"Oh, baby. Shhhhh. It's okay, Jiminie. It's okay. You're okay, sweetheart. I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. You're okay, baby. You're safe. It's gonna be okay." I murmur softly in his ear, glaring up at the doctor myself for having pushed him too far.

"I'm going to put him on antidepressants. Make sure he's taking two a day. He can be released when he decides to calm down. I'll be contacting the police to arrest his father for child abuse as well. I would suggest he not go home for today." The doctor informs Yoongi and I before standing up and walking out of the room again. I scoff quietly at this, rolling my eyes and shaking my head.

"I can pick the medicine up for him. He's not gonna take them though, he'll refuse. And, quite frankly, I don't think he needs them as long as you aren't planning on leaving his side anytime soon. I'll plan on sticking around as well, I can help you take care of him if you need." Yoongi tells me in a soft tone. I look over at him from the doorway where I'd been glaring at the doctors back.

"Okay. What are we gonna do about school though? He's missed two days of classes now and he's certainly in no shape to be going back right now. He can stay with me though. My mother's never fucking around and our maids won't mind having him around." I respond quietly, still holding and comforting my sweet crying boyfriend.

"He's probably better off not going for the rest of the week. I can stop by the place that he dances at and let them know he won't be in for the rest of the week as well. Have him start trying to attend things next week. I'm gonna back down his time at the dance studio though. He doesn't need a ton of pressure and commitment right now." Yoongi explains in a gentle tone, his gaze dropping down to the crying boy in my arms before looking back up at me.

"Okay. I can see what we can do then. I'll just have him stay with me and I can call us both off of school for the rest of the week." I mumble softly before leaning down and kissing the top of Jimin's head once more. Jimin lifts his head up this time, full lips pouted and eyes wide and watery as he looks up at me. I just give him a small smile, leaning down and pecking his lips lightly.

"How does that sound, baby? No school for the rest of the week and you can move in with me, hmm?" I whisper softly, brushing his hair back lightly so that it's not in his eyes. He sniffles softly, nodding his head before laying his head back down on my chest. I chuckle softly at his adorableness, shaking my head to myself.

"I guess that's a plan then."

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