Chapter 21

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Jungkook POV

As much as I still really don't want to see Jimin right now, Yoongi's call has me worried. I've known something's been off with him for just under a week and haven't been able to figure out what the hell its been. The fact that Yoongi's way closer to Jimin that I clearly ever was and thinks that Jimin's on the brink of death and that Jimin actually loves me is enough to have my ass up and running through the halls to try and find the orange haired boy.

Going to the last place I saw Jimin, I run as fast as my feet will take me to try and get there. Though, by the time I near my locker, there's paramedics in the hall with a stretcher and other stuff that's way too technical for me. My eyes widen fearfully as I slow down and hesitantly make my way over towards them. They don't even seem to notice me, enabling me to get close enough to watch them lift a very pale Jimin up onto the stretcher.

Panicking as they begin rushing him down the hallway, I run after them, not wanting to lose him. Unsurprisingly, I follow them all the way out of the school, not stopping until they've reached the ambulance and have to hoist him inside. I faintly recognize Yoongi's figure off to the side, just watching everything unfold before him.

"Wait! Please, you have to let us come with him." I beg as the last paramedic begins to climb into the back of the ambulance. Yoongi stays silent, but makes his way over to my side as I beg them to let us on.

"What's your relations?" He asks, the others inside still working quickly on Jimin.

"His boyfriend and brother. Please. You have to let us come with." I lie through my teeth, eyes still locked on Jimin's limp figure. The man sighs, motioning for the both of us to climb in before slamming the doors shut behind us while we take the seats on the bench at the side.

Neither of us say a single word the entire time. Despite how loud the men working are at the moment, trying to keep my Jiminie alive, it's all just a bunch of muffled sounds to my ears. None of the words they say really sink in, not entirely sure I'd want to know anyways. We just sit silently, my gaze locked on Jimin's increasingly sweaty forehead.

When we finally reach the hospital, they quickly rush Jimin inside, Yoongi and I following hurriedly behind but not being able to follow them back into the ER. Biting my lip as I stare down the hallway that they've taken him, some woman approaches us and says whatever it is that goes in one ear and out the other, not really reacting to a whole lot anymore as Yoongi has to grab my wrist gently and lead me away from the hallway Jimin went down, most likely taking us to the waiting room.

Though, even then, once we've reached the waiting room and Yoongi's brought us over to a few empty chairs, I merely sit and stare emptily at the floor. My mind is still a swirling mess of thoughts, never having gotten the chance to really even process all of the bullshit with the damn bet before all of this shit happened. I'm lost enough at this point, that I don't even know what to think. I don't want to be around Jimin anymore after what I just went through, but he's also been the best thing I've ever had and don't at all want to lose him.

"Jimin never wanted to take that bet, Jungkook. It was my idea for the bet in the first place, because I was hoping I wasn't going to lose him. I didn't want you to take him away from me, and so I created the bet. He really does love you though, Jungkook. He and I got into it a little bit, the last time I was at school. We got into it because he was pissed about the bet, knowing he wasn't going to be able to keep you because of that once you found out." Yoongi speaks up quietly, turning his head to look over at me.

Biting my lip, I swallow hard as I turn to look over at the older boy. I can see the sincerity and pain written all over his face, realizing he means every word he's saying.

"Don't leave Jimin just because of that bet, Jungkook. I was supposed to be the one to tell you about it, because I didn't want the two of you to be together. Jimin's never been happier though, than when he had you. I know that bet makes all of this really hard for you, but don't give up on him. He really is an amazing guy, so sweet and adorable and kind, and he really does have an amazing personality. Just... Trust me on this one, Jungkook. He really does love you, and he's got an even better personality than what you know him as now. Give Jimin another chance to be with you without the weight of the bet, and get to know the real him. You won't regret it, I promise."

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