Chapter 16

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Jungkook POV

Biting my lip nervously as I wait for Jimin to come, I sit on the sofa in our living room. I don't bother scrolling through the useless social media on my phone or busy myself by reading one of the books from my room nor do I bother with the television being on just for noise. No, I'd rather just use the time I have now to be able to think through things with Jimin.

I'm still not completely certain that things are as okay for him as what he's been playing off and repeating, but I've also got no idea as to what could be bothering him that much. And it's not like he cares to talk about his personal life too much either. I've tried bringing it up a couple times just this week alone, and I get nowhere with it. I've even brought it up to Namjoon and Hoseok, about the fact that Jimin doesn't seem to want to discuss his personal life with me too much. Granted, they finally took things seriously after teasing me for a good few minutes, but it still got me nowhere. They merely told me that they don't really know a ton about his family life either.

The two of them knew that he enjoys dancing occasionally and that he doesn't have any siblings, but that's it. They don't really know anything else outside of that, other than he's hardly ever free outside of school hours and they just never bothered questioning it. I mean, on one hand, it could make some decent sense. There's always the possibility that he's ashamed or embarrassed of his family, or that it's as simple as him being afraid that others would criticize them. I just... I wish he'd let me in and tell me a bit more about himself. I want to get to know more than just who he is on the surface.

Hearing a knock on my door finally, a small smile appears as I hop up from the sofa and head over to the door. Opening it up, I find myself a smiling Jimin with a hand behind his back.

"There's my baby." Jimin greets, seemingly happier than I've ever seen him before. I blush a good scarlet red as I duck my head shyly, ruffling my hair from how flustered I suddenly am.

"Hi, Jiminie." I respond with a small shy smile as I look back up at him. He just grins, pulling his hand from behind his back to show me a vibrant bouquet. My eyes widen at the sight, glancing back up at him from the flowers.

"Jiminie, what's all of this about? Here, come on in." I question as I carefully take the flowers from him. He chuckles, following me inside and shutting the door behind him before continuing to follow me into the kitchen. I grab a vase from one of the cabinets, filling it part way with water before setting it in the center of the kitchen table.

"I wanted to surprise you, sweetheart. Remind you how much you mean to me." Jimin chuckles softly, smiling up at me as he rests his hands on my hips. I blush once more, mentally swearing at myself for how easily flustered I keep getting.

"You didn't have to do that, baby." I mumble shyly, looking down and off to the side at the floor. However, he gently takes my chin in his hand and guides my head to make me look back up at him.

"I wanted to, Jungkookie. It's not a bad thing to spoil you every now and then." Jimin murmurs softly before leaning up and gently pecking my lips slowly. I savor the feeling of his lips on mine, involuntarily whimpering as he pulls away again. My eyes widen at my own reaction, blushing tremendously while Jimin laughs lightheartedly, burying my head into his shoulder.

"Someone's a little excited this afternoon, hmm? You wanna just stay in today, baby? Stay home and let me take care of you? Would you like that? Let me make you feel real good and reassure you just how much I only want you? Make you feel better than anyone's ever made you feel before? Huh? Would you like that, sweetheart?" Jimin questions softly in my ear, his voice a little deeper than usual, almost like a growl of some sort. It causes goosebumps all over my body, shivering in his arms as I feel myself grow mildly excitedly.

"Jiminie-" I try to breathe out. However, I cut myself off with a quiet groan as he leans his hips forward, pressing his up against mine and rubbing against my lightly. I gasp at the feeling, my hands that had been on his waist tightening immediately.

"Is that what you want, Jungkookie? Hmm, baby? Wanna stay in and let me make you feel good?" Jimin growls softly in my ear, leaning his head down and beginning to spread light little kisses down the side of my neck, causing me to naturally pull my head away from him to provide him with more room.

"Answer me, baby. Is that what you want? Show you just how good I can make you feel?" Jimin growls louder this time, biting down on my neck lightly, causing me to gasp and shudder all at once.

"Y-Yes, Jiminie."

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