Chapter 31

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Jimin POV

As we sit on the train that'll take us to Busan, our bags are sat right at our feet whilst I'm curled into Jungkook's side. We've not spoken a whole lot since we left his house last night, finding a hotel that he thought would be suitable for us. The big discussion we've really had was over what apartment we wanted and where in Busan we wanted to stay. Though, after everything that's happened in the last couple of days, it might've been our easiest going conversation we've had yet.

I also sent a text to Yoongi yesterday, letting him know what happened and that I was going back to Busan with Jungkook. It turns out he actually stopped at the shop Jin works at last night, and they actually hit it off pretty well. Yoongi's had thoughts of moving back to Daegu for a while now, as soon as he graduates of course, and I guess while they'd been talking last night, it turned out that Jin was looking for a change of scenery as well.

I don't really know that I'm ever gonna go back to school though, just to graduate in a few months. That had been a discussion Jungkookie and I had this morning. We were searching for jobs near where we're going to be living after breakfast, and I found a dance studio near our place. It looks like it'll be probably a ten minute walk from where we'll be living, and they actually had a position open for a dance instructor. Granted, I ran it by Kookie before bothering to apply this morning. He's the one that paid for the apartment, the least I can do is try to help out a bit and not be completely ignorant of the fact that the money he had saved up in his savings account will run out eventually if we don't get to making some more on our own.

"The train's going to be stopping soon, baby. You ready to go?" Jungkook asks gently as he looks down at me. I smile up at him, feeling much more at ease now that we're away from all of the hell that we left behind this morning. Leaning up, I peck his lips softly before nuzzling my head back into his chest with a small nod.

"As long as I'm going with you, I'll always be ready to go."



Welp, that's the end! Hope you all enjoyed this jikook story! I know it probably wasn't as good as The Other Side, for those of you who read that and then came to this... I'm sorry for that :/ I tried, I promise...

Also, if anyone's interested, I created a Twitter and insta acc for my Wattpad one! I'll be posting stuff abt updates and new stories to be expecting and as always giving love to bts and Yoongi 🥰 Hope you guys will check them out and follow!!

Twitter acc: @yoongspiedpiper
Insta acc: @yoongis_pied_piper

Hope you all enjoyed! Thank you for reading to the end! Remember, if you've got anymore story requests, you can always still let me know and I'll write one up for ya! Hope to see you all in another story! Love you all <3

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