Chapter 7

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Jimin POV

Sitting in my last class of the day, I just end up doodling in my notebook rather than paying attention and taking notes. I really can't be bothered to pay attention to our chemistry class when I'm growing nervous for the end of the day to come. I'd much rather just stay here and let school go on for hours more until it's after fucking one in the morning.

"Jimin, why aren't you paying attention?" Jungkook whispers quietly from beside me. I just fake a smirk as I look over at him, reaching up and ruffling his hair.

"Much too busy thinking about you, sweetheart." I tell him with a wink before returning to my drawing.

I manage to get a little bit further in it before I'm interrupted again, Jungkook poking my thigh this time. Sighing quietly to myself, I take my pencil end away from the page as I glance over at him with a cocked eyebrow.

"Why're you so interested in someone you don't know?" He questions quietly. However, clearly Ms. Ming catches us this time, slapping her hand against the board.

"Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook! Would either of you care to explain what was so important that the two of you needed to be discussing it during my class?" She questions aloud for everyone to hear. Instantly, I hear my three friends begin to snicker from the other side.

"I don't think you want that answer, Ming." I respond with my ever present smirk as I fold my arms over my chest and lean back in my seat. Internally, I'm freaking the hell out. The last thing I need is to get a fucking detention, and at the end of the day too. I don't know that I'd even be able to make it up to my room by the end of the night from how much of a beating I'd get if I got a detention.

"Is that so? I'm sure the rest of the class would love to hear though, Jimin. Care to inform us, either of you?" She challenges. I chuckle, shrugging in response.

"If you must know-" I get a hand slapped over my mouth before I can even speak.

"It was nothing, Ms. Ming. We're terribly sorry to have disrupted the class." Jungkook cuts in. I just laugh, pulling his hand away from my mouth gently.

"Nah, we aren't. Since you're all so curious though, Jungkookie here was asking what it'd be like to have a good fuck, clearly contemplating whether it'd be worth it to let me show him or not."

Almost instantly, I get a smack upside the head as I hear my three friends burst into laughter from the other side of the room, knowing me too well to actually believe that bullshit.

"Jimin! What the hell! I did not!" Jungkook whisper yells.

"The two of you will have after school detention for an hour. I don't want to see either of you utter another word until that time is up." She snaps before returning to teaching the class.

"Jimin! What the hell was that for?! That was complete bullshit!" Jungkook whisper shouts at me. Glancing over at him, I can see the tears in his eyes, instantly making me feel bad.

"Aww, baby, you don't need to cry. I only told them that because it makes for a better story than the shit you were asking about." I explain softly, reaching up and wiping a fallen tear away. He just smacks my hand though, turning back to the front of the class with a glare in his eyes as he continues taking notes.

I just sigh, running a hand through my hair as I go back to my drawing, trying desperately not to think about what's to come tonight. I know the school will call home, and my father will most certainly be home by now considering he only works morning shifts.

Thankfully, the rest of class goes by quickly and all too soon, it's time for the detention to start. We're silent for the first five minutes, though after that, Ms. Ming leaves the room. Jungkook is sat far on the other side of the room at this point, nearly breaking my heart with how mad he is at me.

Sighing to myself, I stand up from my seat and make my way over to him, taking a seat in the chair right beside of him. He glances over at me, glaring before looking away again.

"She said not to get out of our seats, Jimin." He mutters quietly.

"She also said no talking, baby, but you initiated that one. Are you really that mad at me for what I said earlier?" I question, reaching out and rubbing his arm gently. He just glares over at me again, not verbally answering.

"Everyone's going to think I'm some male whore now, Jimin. I've not even had my first kiss yet." He snaps weakly. I chuckle quietly.

"Baby, nobody's gonna think you're a whore now. They know I only talk shit when the teachers try to bitch at me." I inform him, cupping his cheeks and gently turning his head to look at me. His eyes soften, lips forming a small pout.

"Are you sure? I really don't want everyone's first impression of me to be that I'm some slut." Jungkook questions quietly. I smile nodding my head.

"I promise, baby. However, you're gonna need a little punishing for getting me into detention." I tease with a smirk, watching him gulp quietly.

With that, I lean in and press my lips against his.

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