Chapter 23

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Jungkook POV

"Give him some space for a minute, Jungkook. He's only just woke up. It's gonna take a minute for him to come to his senses." Yoongi says softly as he puts a hand on my shoulder. Looking up at him through the tears, I bite my lip and nod my head, trying not to sob as I climb back off the bed and sit back down in the chair I'd previously been in. Jimin just continues to look between the older boy and myself for the next couple minutes, confusion and pain etched onto his sweet soft facial features.

"What are the two of you doing here? I you both never wanted to see me again." Jimin questions quietly, his voice scratchy and rough. I immediately grab a water bottle from beside my chair, opening it up and handing it over to the orange haired beauty. He wears a look of indifference as he takes the bottle from me, sadness still apparent in his eyes as he weakly holds it up and takes a few sips before handing it back.

"Just because I didn't want to be around you anymore, doesn't mean I wanted you dead, Jiminie. I just didn't want to have to keep struggling and holding myself back every single day while being around you, knowing you'd pick up on my issues. I was just trying to make it easier on the both of us for us to be happy." Yoongi answers softly, reaching out to brush back the hair off of Jimin's forehead. Though, despite knowing his feelings now for Jimin, it oddly doesn't concern me having him here and letting him be close and slightly touchy with Jimin like this. Jimin looks up at him with a pained but thoughtful expression for a moment, remaining silent momentarily as he looks up at the older boy.

"Remember that Jin guy that graduated last year? You had gotten kinda interested in him for a while didn't you?" Jimin asks quietly, looking a little bit more alive as he looks up at Yoongi. The older tilts his head to the side curiously, nodding his head.

"Yeah. He's fucking hot and damn smart too. Way the fuck outta my league. Why?" Yoongi responds with a confused frown.

"He's still in town actually. Going to a local community college to get his undergrad degree for nursing. He works part time at the noodle shop that's a couple blocks down from your house actually. Works all day Saturday's, and then Monday, Wednesday, Friday's in the afternoon and evening. Make a point to stop in a couple times a week and you'll get his attention." Jimin informs him with a tiny smile. Yoongi chuckles, ruffling Jimin's hair lightly.

"Park Jimin, you're just a whole lot of trouble, in a hospital bed or not." Yoongi chuckles with a gummy smile that I've never seen before. It's clear to me now why they had a thing before, but I'm definitely grateful that Yoongi wants to step back and wanted me to fix things with him. Yoongi looks over at me with a small smile, before it fades slightly.

"I'm gonna go find the doctor and talk to him about how you're doing and when you can get out of here, Jimin. I think the two of you have a lot of talking to do and quite a few things to clear up." Yoongi speaks up softly, causing Jimin to frown a bit. It breaks my heart to see him frown at most likely the idea of having to be alone with me, making me wonder just how much damage I personally somehow caused without realizing in order to contribute to him being here. Jimin doesn't respond this time, remaining silent as his gaze falls to his lap due to his angled position with the bed being propped up a bit for him to more comfortably sit yet somewhat lay at the same time.

"It'll be okay, Jiminie. You can do this." Yoongi whispers softly to him, leaning down and kissing his forehead before giving me another small smile and walking out.

With Yoongi now absent, the hospital room plunged into silence. Jimin just sits there with his gaze on his lap, not saying a word or even so much as looking over at me once. Meanwhile, I'm now petrified of speaking, fearful that I'll say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing and fuck up any chances of getting him back, of ever being able to call the older mine again. However, eventually one of us has to speak up, has to say something, and not too surprisingly, Jimin ends up being the one with the courage to do that.

"I'm not gonna ask you why you left, Jungkook. I understand why you did. But why are you back now? After such a short period of never wanting anything to do with me ever again, why are you suddenly concerned and here again?"

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