Chapter 3- RIO "isn't it weird"

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"Tej , I know that you don't like gauri to stay here but she is jhanki's only daughter and she doesn't have anyone other than me. How can I come leaving 5 years old little girl there? She is a little girl just like prinku and I will raise her as my daughter tej" jhanvi sits on the bed while looking at tej. She is waiting for tej's response.

"jhanvi, I am not that much heartless person to hate a little girl like gauri. But my point is that this will be a huge problem in the future." '' no tej that innocent girl will not create any problem to you or this family" tej comes close to jhanvi while patting her shoulder " okey don't worry love...look at me , hereafter we have two mischievous boys and two beautiful girls in our little family" thank you tej jhanvi said while hugging tej.

"Maa gauri is crying" rudy comes to jhanvi and pulls her out of their room. "Why so suddenly. She was okey with prinku". "We will see. Come lets go"tej and jhanvi rushed to the prinku's room but stopped at the door by hearing familiar voice.

"Hey doll, don't cry like this... you know what.. your momma is a star ⭐️ look at the  sky she is the brightest star" jhanvi and tej can see their little boy holding gauri's hand and pointing towards a star in the sky. Gauri is looking at star with tearful eyes while tightly holding omkara.
"Look look that star is blinking.." "haaa star is blinking" gauri says with hope that her momma will come to her every day as a star.

" she is saying hi to you. And tell not to cry like a baby" om wipeouts her tears with his both hands. "She will always be with me haaan??" "Yes we all will be with you RI" "who is RI" asks confused gauri. "You..... hereafter i will call you as Ri. No one can't say that name to you other than me"

"Okey then i will call you Om" gauri says while smiling at omkara. "Nooo all are calling me Om so come up with something new Ri" omkara says.
" then O .. its good na ... you're O" " that's perfect Ri and O" omkara said with a cute smile while touching her curly hair.

Rudy comes while laughing " omg .. Ri plus O ... it's Rio... such a weird name... Om you're sooo funny"
"Hehehe.... no need to smile go away rudy. Who said you to sum up our names... idiot "rudy ran from there to jhanvi. "Maa look He used bad words for me"
Jhanvi comes towards gauri and omkara who holds their hands while looking at jhanvi. "Om beta i am happy that you are behaving so nicely with her now"
"Yesss ma she's my best friend now"
"Good my sweet bachcha.... where is prinku and shivay ah"
"Maa they are in the kitchen making custard to Crying baby, Ri"says rudy. "Rudy you can't say Ri to her that's my name for her. Just call as gauri" rudy makes weird faces by looking at omkara.
"Maa we decided to have sleepover in here. Can we?" Asks omkara.

Jhanvi nods her head with a smile on her face that everyone accepts gauri. Thats feels good. "Jhanki i will promise you.. that i will protect gauri and love her as her own mother... promise" jhanvi can see that how rudy and om holds gauri and walking towards the kitchen with lots of smiles and giggles. She wants to give best future to gauri and she will do it.
Om, gauri and Rudy passing tej to go out from the room and tej bends down and look into this little girl's beautiful face with sooo much love. She has that aura to attract people at first sight and tej is feeling in the same way. He thought that gauri will create some problems in their life because she is not a family member and that is awkward to stay with outsider in the same house. But can he think like that by looking at this cute little baby. No he can't... he can't be a heartless person to think in that way. She has no one in this world now and how can he neglects this cutie. She always wanted to have another daughter just like prinku but now this little girl will fill that gap in his heart with so much love. "Uncle... i am gauri" says gauri with a smile. "I know baby... our little Ri" tej kissed her forehead and hugged gauri. "Nooooo papa you cannot say Ri to her. She is my Ri you can call her as beti, beta sweetie or cutie... but not Ri" tej surprisingly looks at omkara and he is counting down more names for gauri.
"Jhanvi... what happened to your son. He is acting in a weird way" said tej. "Hmmm I think he is like you. He is very Possessive" smiles jhanvi and said kids to go down.
Tej laugh at jhanvi " he is my son so that's obvious, he is exactly like me" jhanvi can see that omkara again comes into the room with a confused face. "Maa what is possessive means ?"
"Hmmm .... Posssesive means that you're demanding someone's total attention, care and love and you are not willing to share that with anyone else " says jhanvi while looking at tej. "So what papa is demanding?? And not willing to share" asked omkara. "Your maa" says tej while laughing. "Papa why are you...?" Jhanvi cut and interfere into father-son duo conversation with an annoyed face. "Om beta, you will get to know about possessiveness later baby. Now go play. All are waiting for you" says jhanvi. "Okey i will go maa" omkara passing tej but suddenly stopped and pulled tej down to ask something. Tej bends down a little " what has happened beta" "papa Am i possessive about RI" asks omkara from tej. "Hahaha yes yes you are". Says tej.

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