Chapter 22- Symbolic representatives of our love

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"Hey what happened... you're crying" Prinku said looking at her eyes. "Bhaiya agreed right? Don't confuse me" she said with a soft voice with holding uncertainty.

"We are not meant to be Prinku. I am backing out from this..." Gauri said while hugging back Prinku.

"You can't do that to my Bhaiya.... he loves you"

"Noo he is not. Please don't confuse me Prinku... I... can't" she released herself from Prinku's grip and wiped out her tears.

"He loves Ridhima... I saw that how much they love for each other. There is no barrier for their love. They are connected souls and I am the third party here"

"Are you sure?" Prinku asked with a surprised face. Gauri said the whole story to Prinku amid her sobbings and she wrapped her hands around Prinku for the emotional support.

"It's difficult to believe"

"But that is the truth.... and I...." Gauri nervously bit her lower lip while looking down. "I said Yes to Rohan"

"What... why did you take such a drastic step. Don't make things complicated"

"I am certain at my decision Prinku... I have applied for a job in Australian fashion designing company." She stood up and took her favorite photograph. "I want to go away from him... that is the only possible way to be away from this pain. My stupid heart is not able see O with anyone else"

"You are going to leave all of us... please don't do this" Prinku said softly holding tears in her eyes.

"That is more difficult to me. To be away from my family and O... But I have to Prinku. Ridhima will come to this home after their marriage..... and.... I will not be able see them together."

"But why Rohan...."

"He loves me... he asked me to give one chance to his love."

"I want you to be happy gauri. But can you do that?"

"No how can I love someone else Prinku.... I don't have permission to love him in front of the world but he will always be in my heart. I am certain at my decision and I said that to Rohan. But he...I don't know what to do"

"You need to move on then... Rohan will help you to get out from this pain... sometimes being loved by someone is better than loving to someone who is not in love with you" gauri nodded her head sadly and entered to bathroom to wash her face.

"We are having pool meeting today... Rudy Bhaiya asked us to come... we can boycott this if you don't like to go" Their favorite pool meetings which they've gathering around the pool area and having a chit chat about each other, Playing games and cracking jokes. They don't have any idea about how this routine has began but they do it in every Saturday night as a habit. Even though gauri was not in india for years, still she had participated for those fun meetings via FaceTime.

"I will come there within 5 minutes"

"Are you sure?"

"Yess very sure.... it may be my last pool meeting and I won't miss it. I want to spend more time with my family Prinku" that mere fact is killing inside and out.

"Our lives are on the fast track mode gauri..."
Rudy, Om and Shivay sat on the cushion nearby pool side waiting for gauri and Prinku. No matter how busy they are, how difficult to find a time to be together, they're always sparing these two hours for each other.

Om scratches her hands in an uncomfortable way. This is the first time that he is going to see her face in a different corner. He has just pearled out the beautiful and biggest truth in his life. His love... His Ri...

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