Chapter 7- Will be always with you

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Both gauri and Prinku getting ready for the new venture in their life. Tej and jhanvi got the admission for the same school as omkara Rudy and Shivay. Tej gifted bicycles to both gauri and Prinku because of the short distance between the school and home they used to travel to school by using their own bicycles. Gauri doesn't know to drive a foot bicycle so Om willingly agrees to keep gauri on his back seat for few days till she gets familiar with the bicycle rides.

By wearing the red colored knee length skirt and white long sleeve shirt while tugging two pig tales with two red colored ribbons, she looked like beautiful doll. Her big brown eyes are the most prettiest which adds perfection to her beauty.

"Aww my baby looks beautiful" jhanvi kisses her hair with motherly love and care.

Meantime tej came with Prinku and rudy as omkara And Shivay follows them to main hall.

"Lets go to the mandir... gauri baby go kissed momma and take blessings from her..." Gauri ran to her newly decorated room to kiss her momma's photo. Omkara turns back and and walked into gauri's room. When Om opens the door of her room, he saw that how she holds that photograph of her momma tightly pressing onto her face and giving kiss to her momma.

"Ri...i want to talk with aunty"

"Come here O..."

om sat on her bed while taking jhanki's photograph to his hand.

"Aunty i am Omkara... Ri's O... She is just like you... beautiful, cute & sweet. I am her best friend.You know what... she is maa's favorite and mine too. Today she is going to school... don't worry aunty i will always be there with her".

Gauri looks at omkara with tears in her eyes. She stands up on her knees while putting her hands around his neck and gave a small kiss to his right cheek.

"I love you O" said gauri still holding him close to her face. She pressed her left cheek onto his right side cheek with so much love.

"I love you too Ri"

"Then I love you three" said gauri while leaning towards him.

"I love you more than anyone" said omkara looking at her beautiful face.

"I love you the most O.... hmm this much" she said by spreading her both hands while giving her best smile.
Jhanvi and tej with kids are praying together for Gauri and Prinku's new school journey as they wanted to give best to their children. Pandit blessed them and tej lifted up gauri and Prinku both at the same time to kiss them both.

"No matter what is the occupation that you're going to choose in your life, but you two need to be educated and best in your selected area. No one can steal that knowledge and education from you. Do remember papa will always be with you two" said tej while kissing both girls in his arms. Tej headed down to car with kids. Jhanvi turns to go out from the mandir.

"Jhanvi beta" jhanvi turned back to pandit.

"Beta... that little girl gauri... she is a lucky charm to your family and she will light up your life"

"She already did that pandit Ji. She is  my best friend's daughter. I am feeling like that she is my own daughter... I can't find any difference between gauri and Prinku. She has completed my family" Said jhanvi while looking back at tej, gauri and omkara who buying something from vendor at road side.
After the enrollment of new students, they have allocated to their respective classrooms. Unexpectedly Prinku and gauri are not in the same class.
"Ri... don't be panic... I will come to your class during the interval" said omkara holding gauri's hand. She is nervously smiling at omkara when her new class teacher asked her to come. She followed her teacher and searched place to sit as she saw a beautiful girl alone sitting at a corner seat. She slowly stepped out to reach there.

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