Chapter 13- You're lucky to have him as your partner

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They walked into hotel to find the booked reservation for their lunch. As she planned she wore her blue knee length dress and tugged her hair into ponytail with her favorite butterfly pin. He was amazed to see his beauty in his imagined outfit in reality too.

"Ri you're exactly drawing. I have gifted the same painting on your birthday. You're looking extremely gorgeous" she smiled for his compliment.

If he knows, how difficult it was to search this gown. All thanks to bhavya. She sat down on the seat while sending thank you note to her friend mentally.

"Hey why are you silent my chatter box? You're not normally behaving like this" He asked with a smile while holding her right hand. Girls are getting more nervous on this point. Today she is letting her heart to flow its emotions and feelings to out.

"No why should I? It's just I am hungry" she casually said while brightly smiling.

Familiar face roaming around as gauri excitedly waved at her. Om looked back to see girl who stood behind him holding a boutique of flowers.

"Oh my god! Ridhima. What a pleasant surprise. You're here" said gauri while hugging her. Ridhima gave a quick side hug to Om and sat down next to him.

"Was this a planned visit?" gauri asked from Om by seeing those passing confused looks.

"Ri... I asked Ridhima to come here. I wanted you to know her and actually..." Ridhima hold his and stopped as standing up to give her flower boutique to gauri.

"I am happy to see you Gauri. You're looking more beautiful than in pictures. He used to talk about you a lot. He is lucky to have a best caring and loving friend like you." said Ridhima in one a go.

"No I am the luckiest one to have him in my life" she said by sharing a look with Om." I am so happy to meet you today Ridhima. I have brought a small gift to you but I didn't get it to here as I don't know you're joining with us to lunch. Will give you that next time okay" she said while giving lovely smile.

Gauri placed the order according to her preference and had a casual chit chat about random things during the lunch. She wanted to make this day to confess her feelings but she is happy that today she added up another good new friend to her circle.

Ridhima was studying with Om in his Art school.  Even though gauri didn't meet this girl earlier, she knew that how she has helped to Om in his problems and difficulties in her absence. 

She was always there to help him to balance his business management degree and Art school exhibitions at one time. Gauri had couple of conversations with Ridhima through phone calls and she is a really nice girl to be friend with.

"Ridhima I want to thank you. I am his best friend but last couple of years I was not there with him. But you were there to fill my gap in his life. I am really thankful to you. Thank you for being with my O" gauri said while holding both her hands firmly.

"Even though I was here with him physically he always searched for your support mentally. He had that habit to call you for every silly little thing and I have acted according to your instructions only" she said smiling at Om.

"Very true... I don't know what to do in my life without you Ri... I really don't know" om said while giving a side hug to gauri. In return she gave his best and cutest smile to Om with a overwhelming happiness.

"gauri no need to thank, it's my duty to be with him. With my boyfriend" Ridhima said as gauri turns to look at him confused.

"Didn't you tell  about us?" gauri looks towards Om. She is struggling to control her tears. She sense and her legs are shaking and her head is spinning. She looks at Om for the explanation.

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