Chapter 10- Our baby RIO

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His one call enough to make her feel happier than ever before. No matter how many times they're contacting each other, every time her heart fills with happiness, joy and excitement. She quickly sat on the bench  while looking at the moon. She prefers to look at moon as she imagined to see her O through moonlight. That feels like he is very close,  even though he is far away from her.

"Hello Ri... why did you take so much time to pick up the call"

"I just came out to balcony and now looking at you" she answered ignoring his complaint.

"Me too looking at you..." he said while holding window and looking at the moon.

"I am so happy O.. I can't wait to see you all"

"Same here Ri... bring something for me... did you buy something for me"

"Yes i have something for you. Very precious and special gift for you. It's a surprise" she is going to give her heart to him but gauri brought a symbolic stature of little boy and girl who are kissing, to indicate their journey through memorable childhood to lovers.

"Even I have a surprise to you. I always wanted to tell you this Ri. It was quite difficult to hide this feeling from you... but you know I am nervous and want to tell..." he stopped at the middle by Gauri's interference.

"O i am going to come back and you can tell all that later... don't try to complain ahh i am going to be a glued stick and never let you go away from my eyesight" she laughed for her own joke. But yes she will not going to be away from her O anymore.

"Even I don't want be away from you... i love to have a glued stick like you" said om with a lovely smile.

"Where is my Rio" asked gauri diverting his attention.

"Here baby your mumma is calling for you" with that she heard bow-wow sound as her baby is screaming.

"Hey my bachcha... did you have your milk baby" again she heard bow-wow sound twice as her baby answering back.

"No need to mention Mumma... when he has a good caring papa" said Om while carrying Rio to his lap.

She still can remember the day that they have found their baby at rood side near to school. Suddenly little puppy came in front of her bicycle and she lost the balance and felt down.

"Ri what has happened" Om rushed to her and helped her to stand up.

"Are you Okey" he saw blood drops are straining from her knee. He hurried to take his water bottle and started to wash her knee.

"Aaaaaee O" she started to cry due to pain.

"Now we will go back to home and we can apply medicine" Om said while hugging his crying Ri. Both have separated with a sudden tug on their shoes. Very cute white little puppy looking at gauri and om with pleading eyes.

"Hey naughty one you  hurt to my Ri"

"O puppy is looking beautiful... awww come baby." She lifted up little puppy while placing a soft kiss on his head.

"Chiii don't... he is not clean.. you know germs..." gauri laugh out and try to handed over puppy to Om.

"Nooo I can't... i am scared, what if puppy fell down" Om refuses to carry little one.

"Don't worry O... don't think so much just carry little puppy" he tried to get puppy into his arms. Puppy curled up in to his embrace.

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