Chapter 4- you're his first girl friend

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gauri and rudy comes down to join with shivay and prinku. "Bhaiya lets eat" tells rudy to shivay. "Come ... where is Om?"
"Om will come.. (by looking at the upstairs) here he is coming. I can't wait anymore. Shall we?" Says rudy while looking at the yummy custard.
"Rio, shall we" asks rudy while laughing.
"Who is Rio..." asks confused prinku and shivay looking forward with confused look.
"Bhaiya Ri is gauri and O is om. Together we can call RIO. Ri is Om's best friend now"
"Aaaaa rudy you cannot call her as Ri" says omkara while throwing a pillow at rudy.
"Do you know gauri, Om doesn't have girls in his friend gang and he thinks that girls are irritating.. but look he makes you as his best friend so soon. Weird..."says shivay.
"You're his first girl friend" said rudy.gauri cutely smiles at omkara.
"That is because Ri is not irritating like other girls" said omkara while looking down by sensing that others are making fun of him.
"Bhaiya, girls are not irritating. Don't say like that again.. okey" prinku said while angrily pointing out her little finger towards omkara.
Today all wants to sleep together with their new companion. Within a one day all the things have changed in little Gauri's life. Gauri is sleeping in the middle of the bed and prinku is sleeping at the right side and with rudy. Omkara is sleeping middle of shivay and gauri at the left side. Om is very much excited about his new friend... rudy said that "his first girl friend". His Ri is very beautiful. She has brown curly short hair and brown big eyes. She has long and thick eye lashes which is adding more beauty to this cute little doll. Her pinkish cheeks are very chubby, now she is exactly like a sleeping beauty. All are sleeping other than om. This 8 years old little boy doesn't know what is this unknown feeling and he is too small to understand what is happening. This not just a friendship which bonded within a day but they are always destined to be together from previous lives.
He has known Ri  for a very short time, but he feels like he has known her forever.
Omkara- hey Rohan, meet my best friend Ri

Rohan is omkara's school friend. Rohan can see this beautiful little girl who is wearing yellow gown and her two pig tails adds more cuteness to her. But her beautiful brown eyes are the prettiest.

"hiiii Ri , you're so cuteee" says Rohan while touching her rosey cheeks. Om pulls gauri towards him and says "Rohan she is not Ri" confused rohan looks at om " she is my Ri but her name is gauri you can call her as gauri" om says while putting his hand over gauri's shoulder.

"Ha ha okey i am Rohan" says Rohan while pointing out his hand for gauri. Gauri holds his right hand with her little left hand and said " hii Rohan bhaiya" makes omkara to laugh little louder "Bhaiya..... why are you calling me bhaiya. I am at the same age as Om. Are you calling him as bhaiya" asked Rohan.

"No he is my O" said gauri cutely turning her head up to look at omkara. "Oh then i will be Ro" said Rohan. "Are you mad Rohan. He is just Rohan... okey Ri" said omkara which makes gauri to agree with a cute smile. "Bye Rohan we are leaving ...going to have ice cream." Said omkara.

Rohan can see that omkara helped gauri to sit on his bicycle and said her to hold tightly. They are leaving and Rohan can see that  cute little girl waving to him by snooping her head over omkara's shoulder.
"Ri , what is your favorite flavor" omkara asks while checking different flavored ice creams. "O i have never ate any flavored ice cream before. But Haa momma used to buy kulfi for me" Gauri says to omkara with rolling her big brown eyes. "Then you should have berry flavored one. That is my favorite mmmm" omkara ordered two berry ice creams for them and one chocolate tub for others. "This is soooo yummy O. I love it" Gauri amuses with this new taste. "You know what shivay rudy and prinku all are like to eat chocolate choco chips & nut ice cream. So I brought a tub for them.  i Looooveed this one only"
Gauri and omkara walking towards their bicycle but suddenly Gauri lost her balance and her ice cream felt down. "Oops my ice cream" Gauri sadly looks at omkara. "Ri look at your face ...even your nose has tasted the flavor" Gauri pouts at omkara with berry ice cream all over her face. "Wait" says omkara to gauri and takes out his handkerchief. "Ri hold this ice cream" says omkara and starts to wipe out ice cream from her face. Firstly her top of the nose, cheek, chin and her upper lips. "Okey all done...have my ice cream Ri" says omkara. "No I will eat chocolate ice cream you have this one O" says gauri and gives the ice cone to omkara. "Lets share this" says omkara while holding gauri's hand.

My soul made love to your soul
Long before our bodies met
When i first laid my eyes on you
I recognized you
You held my future
In your hands
-Anita Krizzen-

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