Chapter 21- Give some credits to my love

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Ridhima got to see gauri sneaking out her head slowly into the room from the mirror. Anger and jealousy are roaming around her head as she is in a position to do anything to grab Om. She was turned around and pushed Om onto the bed while hovering herself over him as to create a beautiful drama. She has started to heavyly breathing and moaning his name intimately.

The scene in front of her eyes is enough to weaken her legs as she holds the door to straighten herself and hurriedly stepped out from the room.

He is still not able to react to sudden movement of Ridhima and after realizing that she is trying to kiss him, he forcefully pushed Ridhima on to the ground.

"Oucchh" Ridhima screams while leaning on the floor still struggling to get up due to the back pain caused.

"How dare you.... you stepped into such a lower level" he got up from the bed with a disgusting look.

"Go away Ridhima...Don't ever try to do such things that I might forget once we have shared a friendship" he opened the door and signaled her to go. She got up from the floor with great difficulty and looked at him while hiding her sly grin.

Her intention was not to kiss him but to show gauri that they are sharing a deep physical relationship which is not possible to apart them away. Her sudden plan has worked and she gets out from the room confidently.


Gauri is walking down the corridor slowly while replaying what she saw just few minutes ago. She is not able to hold her tears as she quickly ran into her room and locked the door.

"Not again.... No" she caresses her heart and tryouts to calm down herself. Why always fate is cruel to her? Doesn't she deserves to be happy?

Painful wounds are getting into worse as she's trying very hard not to cry and not to be silly as before. By knowing that he loves someone else, she was trying to confess her love by being greedy for his love and affection.

"He is not destined to be mine" she sat down while leaning towards the door.

"What should I do now? I can't bear this pain O. I wished that you wouldn't my Love O...I am acting like a fool"

"Why do I need to suffer like this. I have to erase my love for you O. But that mere feeling is killing me" she tried to wipe out her tears but it's getting hard to control her emotions which is outflows like tears.

"Mumma... give strength to your baby... Please."

"We are not meant for each other. Being friends is the best thing O. I was stupid to misunderstand your friendship O. Hereafter I will try my best to be away from your life. I have to let you go.... I have to" she closed her eyes while biting her lip hardly.

"Still I am not able to see you with any other girl... my silly heart...that means I can't live in this house anymore O" She memories how she has wished to be his wife and stay with her family forever. She wished to Remarked this lovely family as hers. Wasn't that she acted as a selfish lover?

"I need to moved on... Unless I forget you... Unless I let you go... I can't move forward" She cupped her mouth to stop sobs of her stupidity. The very reason behind this pain is her stupidity... her misunderstanding and she deserves to bear this pain all alone.

She hurriedly got up and opened her lap top to check her emails by remembering way to be away from all of these sufferings. She got an opportunity to join with top class fashion designers in Australia at the end of her degree program. But she was rejected that offer as she wants to be with her O and her family. Last two years have proven that she's not able to live without their love and affection. No matter how good that opportunity was, she didn't take even minute to reject the offer. But now... she needs to go away... from O and her family. It's mandatory

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