Chapter 8- World's best friend

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Little two creatures are riding bicycles at the road side. Om has promised to teach his little doll to riding bicycle so as now they are enjoying their riding lessons. The day is dark and sky is overcast with too many clouds which indicating heavy rain on the way to fall down.

"Ri... I think we should go to home, look the sky is dark"

As soon as they packed up to go back to home, rain drops started to fall and Om covered gauri by placing his hand over her head.

"O ... I used to dance and play with my friends in rainy days... shall we?"

"No you will caught up with fever"

"Please O... for 5 minutes only" she is pleading while holding his hand. Even though he doesn't like rainy days and thundering, but yet he agreed to play with his Ri.

Gauri grabs omkara to play in the rain. She jumped and ran around and around to show her excitement. They both hold their hands spinning around while laughing and pulling each other towards their sides. They are enjoying their rainy evening, Jumping in puddles by splashing water on each other.

"You're absolutely right Ri... I Love to play in the rain"

"I missed this O"

At the same time Tej passing the cycle track, suddenly got to see Omkara and gauri playing with each other happily as holding each other closely. For a moment that was a scene worth to watch but Tej can't waited in the car when his little mischievous babies drenching themselves in the rain. He hurriedly steps out from the car to reach to them.

"What is going on here" tej Asked with a fake angry tone.

Both omkara and gauri got scared to look up. Both are bowing down their heads while holding each other.

"Go and sit in the car"

" bicycles" Om said pointing out bicycles.

"I will handle that... go now.. Maa will not allow you two to come out again"

"Please don't tell to maa" Gauri Said.

Omkara gets out of the car and hurries to other side of the car to opens it. Gauri nervously steps out as they ran into mansion. They want to hide this mischievous act from jhanvi.

"Ri lets go to your room" he tells in a gentle whisper.

Omkara gets out the towel from the cupboard while ordering gauri to sit down on the bed. He hurriedly started to wipe out water droplets from her hair.

"You will catch a cold... go change your cloths..."

"Okey O but... give me towel ... I will wipe out water from your hair"

"Noo Ri i will do that.. go to bathroom and fresh up"


Gauri coming downstairs with her school bag to go to school with omkara. But she couldn't find omkara. Normally he is always waiting for gauri to go to school as she is always late due to her sleepy nature. But today instead of omkara, Shivay is there.

"Gauri... sleepyhead ... lets go"

"Where is O... i will wait for him Bhaiya"

"He is not going to school today... he is not well"

Gauri dropped her school bag and ran to omkara's room.omkara sleeping on the bed and he has a plaster on his forehead. Jhanvi holding his hand and changing his forehead plasters time to time.

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