Epilogue- Her superhero and his Princess

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"O wake up" he felt like she is kissing his eyes and her hand stroking his naked chest.

"I am sleepy Ri" he said kissing back her hand which was on his chest while ago. But sudden realization hit on his mind as his Ri is pregnant. He woke up hurriedly.

"Are you okey love? No pain right?" He asked touching her 7months baby bump.

"I am all right O" she said innocently.

"Then sleep love..." He gave a kiss to Ri and bend down and kissed her baby bump lovingly stroking and laid back on the bed to sleep after hectic day.

"Don't sleep papa... mumma need something" she said cutely hugging sleeping Om from the back.

He sat on the bed rubbing his eyes. Now he used to her mood swings and weird cravings. She is very fond of their love making now a days. It's kind of a role reversal. She is not hesitant to wake up him mid nights for her weird requests.

"You're hormones" he said laid down her slowly on the bed and kissing her lips.

"Mumma want to eat ice cream today" she said smiling.

"No ice cream" he said with a serious tone.

"Mumma want to eat" she pushed him back with a frown.

"No means No. your blood sugar level is already very high."

"You don't love me anymore... I am fat... you're not in love with me" she started to cry loudly.

"Ri... shh shh don't cry love.. you know that how much I love you" he got panicked and started to wipe out her tears.

"You're not allowing me to eat ice cream"

"Not good for health Ri" he kissed her cheek and tried to hug her but she refused and got up from the bed.

"Just a scope please... your baby wants to eat... not for me O" she said innocently keeping her bright smile on her lips.

Her mood swings... she can shift her mood into many emotions at the same time. Can anyone say No to this adorable little wifey.

"Okey just One"

They came out from their bedroom and entered to kitchen. He securely made her sit on the dining table and opened the fridge to get out ice cream tub which he has brought yesterday according to her preferred taste.

"Where is that ice cream tub" Om asked like a teacher narrowing his eyes.

"Finished...." She cutely rolling her eyes.

"Entire tub?"

"Baby wanted to eat" she said with a cute pout.

"Stop being cute Ri... you know that I can't say No to you"

"Please O take me to ice cream parlor"

"Will take you Tomorrow"

"Please O your baby want to eat now..."

"Now I have two babies to handle. Which one want to eat?" He smiles at her cute antics as she replied with a smile.

"Wait I will get your sweater and scarf" he wrapped her scarf around her neck and covered her by using a sweater.

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