Chapter 17- Rapunzel... Will you marry me

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Memorizing about childhood is always blissful and no one can denying that it was the most perfect phase of life of anyone.

"Maa I will stay with Ri..."

"What? No need bhavya and Prinku is there" Said Pinky while ignoring Shivay who is currently trying to drag her out from the room.

"Maa you know that she needs me. She prefers me to be with her Maa.... please let me" Om Said with pleading eyes which makes jhanvi to agree.

"Yes you can but before that I need to talk with you... alone" she said while eyeing all others who are currently present in the room and giving indication them to leave.

"I will prepare something for gauri" bhavya Said walking out from the room with Prinku to give space to mother-son duo.

"Om" jhanvi softly said after witnessing how Om is sitting near gauri while caressing her hair.

"Haan maa..." he answered back without looking at jhanvi by observing his sleeping beauty lovingly.

"Do you love Ridhima?" Om looked at jhanvi with surprised expression with a sudden straight forward question.

"No.... I am not.. actually I don't know what is the real meaning of Love maa... but I am not getting any special feelings for Ridhima"

"Then... What is this new drama? Why did you introduce Ridhima as your girlfriend?"

"Maa she has helped me a lot throughout my college days"

"Was that a valid reason? I don't think that love can offer as a gratitude for a help"

"when she asked from me to be her boyfriend I denied because I didn't have any special feelings for her ... but she again and again convinced that she can't live without me and I will surely start to love her like she does"Omkara Said while holding gauri's right hand.

By looking at Om and gauri and his care for gauri is enough to know how much he loves his Ri. Some feelings are not need to convert into words it can feel through their eyes. now jhanvi is very much sure about their love. Ridhima is not a barrier for their love because jhanvi knew that her baby boy is never be able to love someone else in this birth neither any other.


"Prinku where are you going?" Jhanvi asked from Prinku when she saw bhavya and Prinku climbed up stairs.

"To gauri's room maa... we will take care of her tonight"

"No need baby... Om is there with her..." jhanvi Said while slightly smiling.

"Ohhh don't mention about my idiotic brother.... he will worsen the situation maa.... how can you allow him to be there"

"Because he loves her a lot more than anyone and no one can protect her like he does" she said while ignoring Prinku's angry glare.

"Jhanvi aunty sorry to say... but I also thought that he loves gauri but now I know that, he is not worth enough for our gauri's love." Bhavya stepped down to reach jhanvi.

"Bhavya I know Om and gauri very well. They are my babies and I used to witness their each and every step from the childhood. I thought to Unite my babies at very first day. .... I was sure that they will be a very lovely couple when they have grown up. Still I am very sure that they are loving each other a lot and will be the most beautiful couple bhavya"

"But .... this Ridhima" bhavya asked curiously.

"She is no one to be concern about.... I was not surprised when he said that he has a girlfriend... because I know that he cannot love anyone else other than his Ri..."jhanvi sat down on the couch with bhavya while signaling Prinku to come down.

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