Chapter 14- I can't live without my Ri

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Om entered into Mansion at late night. Ridhima didn't let him to come as she wanted to spend entire day with him. He has waited for gauri's reply for his message but she didn't reply as he tried many times to contact her. But Ridhima switched off his phone saying that gauri doesn't wants to disturb their moments.

"Hey chunky monkey come out. I am already angry with you. Yesterday I was not at home. Today I have come here to meet you but you were enjoying entire day with Om Bhaiya. You idiot" prinku started to screame as Om confusingly looking at her.

"Ohoo someone is scared to face me. Don't hide behind Om Bhaiya. No one can help you today" she added while keeping her hands on her hips.

"Prinku what are you doing? Ri is not with me. She might be in her room. Lets go" said Om.

"Omg ..... Bhaiya you're lying to me.... don't team up with chunky monkey. i am not a fool. Come out" Prinku said as Om stands in front of her to cover her view. Bhavya and pinky stepped out from the kitchen with hot onion pakoda plate.

"She is not with me. She went to meet Tiyana" Said Om narrowing his eyes.

"Tiyana? But we are supposed to meet her tomorrow. Where is gauri?" Asked bhavya as Pinky sat down on the couch.

"Please stop joking around me. I know she is at home because she left around 2:30 to meet Tiyana." Said om.

"Are you serious Bhaiya? Her phone is not reachable and you're phone is switched off. We have called many times" Said Prinku with worried face. Bhavya and pinky started to panic as gauri is actually not with him.

"Wait I will call to Tiyana" bhavya ran towards her room to get her phone as she instructed Prinku to inform jhanvi maa, Rudy and Shivay.

Om falls on the couch effortlessly as many thoughts roaming around his head. He nervously bit his lips and helplessly looks at jhanvi.

"Om she was with you right? Suddenly how comes she went to Tiyana alone" asked jhanvi.

"Maa We had lunch with RIdhima and at the end she said she wants to meet Tiyana as she left hurriedly" for the first time his heart is beating hardly with fear.

"Ridhima? You're art school friend?" Asked confused Shivay.

"But... why... Ridhima in your lunch date" questioned Rudy with a serious look as Om looks down.

"Actually... I have invited her to lunch. Because I wanted to introduce her to RI." He looks up to see all are looking at him with questionable eyes. He turned out to jhanvi and said " Err....I wanted introduced Ridhima as my girlfriend to RI"

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Shivay asked raising his eyebrows as Om nodded his head nervously.

Now Picture is clear to everyone. Situation is complicated than they have imagined. Bhavya who coming down with tearful eyes frozen her position with the shocking truth. She knows that gauri was going to express her feelings to Om. She knows that gauri was excited to be with Om. She knows that gauri can't live without Om. She knows that she loves him more than anything and anyone.And...... after Om's revelation, what has happened? Where is gauri?

Bhavya ran towards pinky who is now throwing angry glare at Om.
Om got panic with bhavya's behavior as he hurriedly stepped towards bhavya and pinky.

"Ri is with Tiyana right? I am going to pick up Ri. Bhavya share the location quickly" said Om worriedly as bhavya started to cry.

"Why are you crying bhavya? My baby is with Tiyana right?" Jhanvi asked. Shivay and Rudy standing near jhanvi helplessly as know something is wrong with bhavya's sudden behavior.

"No she is not. She didn't meet Tiyana today. Where is our gauri? I am not getting any positive vibes Pinky aunty" bhavya said while wiping out her tears.

"Ri.... My Ri is fine. Nothing will happen to her. She might have visited few college friends.... all is okey" restless Om turned to Shivay and asked him to accompanied with him to find his Ri

"Bhavya have you called others" asked panicked Om as bhavya nodded while keeping her phone a side.

"I have called Tiyana and others too. They don't know anything about gauri and Tiyana was clueless as we planned to meet tomorrow and not today. Gauri never ever going to meet friends without me. I am sure...that was just an excuse to escape from the situation. I know her very well."

"To escape..... I can't understand bhavya. Actually that was to plan your birthday surprise. And She's not lying to me. I know my Ri better than anyone" Said Om with the confusion. Bhavya looks down as she knows her birthday is on next month and it has more than 30 days.

"Nooo you don't. This situation might be different if you know her feelings better than anyone" bhavya whispered in a low voice as she doesn't want to add complications to current mess. First priority is to find their gauri.

"Where is my Ri? I can't wait for any tracking detail. I will die if I stay any longer without doing anything" Said Om covering his face with palm. "I am going"

"Bhaiya stop..." Prinku holds his hand while controlling her anger by biting her lower lip. "We will find gauri. Why are you bothering about her? Don't forget that you have dumped your best friend because of your newly found girlfriend" She Said with angry tone as imagined how bad he has broken her heart by introducing another girl as his girlfriend.

"PRINKU SHUT UP" he screamed with tearful eyes. "She is not just a best friend for me. She is my life and No one is important to me than my Ri. How could you say something like that to me? How could you?"

"Don't forget Bhaiya that you have spent the entire evening romantically when gauri is struggling in some where else. I am sure you might have forgotten about there's someone called Ri" Prinku regrets all the things that she has split right now due to her anger but when imagined and thinking about gauri, each and every word is justifiable.

Om lowered his head as feeling his heart is aching and beating hardly. He has failed as a best friend. Because of him, Ri is suffering and he doesn't know how to find his Ri. He has never felt this much pain suffocating around him. His own sister accused him that he forgot about his Ri. Is that possible?...He may be able to forget about himself but not his Ri.

He knows that how many times he called back to Ri. Even though he was physically being with Ridhima, his heart was full of Ri's thoughts. Time to time he checked his phone as Ridhima switched off his phone blaming him for ruining their date. She told that Ri will directly go to home as she does not want to disturb them. but he shouted at her and again switched on his phone back to call Ri. But it again went to switched off mode because of low battery level.

"Prinku stop this. We need to find gauri first." Said Shivay while instructing khanna to track her last location.

Jhanvi turns out Om to herself and cupped his face to wipe out tears. "Don't" she said as Om started to sobbing amid helplessly looks at jhanvi. "Maa... Ri.. I... ne..ver... abandoning... my girl" he said while keeping his head on her shoulder.

"Maa don't worry... nothing will happen to my Ri" he said to console himself more than jhanvi. "I can't live without my Ri maa... I can't" He said looking at jhanvi. "I am going to find my Ri. I can't wait for any tracking details" Om hurriedly ran towards Rudy Shivay bhavya and Prinku who was discussing over something worriedly.

"Shivay I can't wait anymore. I will find my Ri"

"Om wait we will come with you." Rudy and Shivay agreed to come with Om as they will get tracked details as soon as possible. Suddenly Om screamed by looking at the front door.


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