Chapter 16- Aaaaaaaaaaaa Rohan..........

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This is for you aaru Sh_aarohi
I wish you a very happy birthday filled with love, happiness and success.

You're a kind and beautiful soul with a good heart. Initially I got to read so many fan fictions with your guidance and gradually become a very good friend.

Thank you for being a good friend in this virtual space and wishing to meet you one day. We are living in a small country so I think that is possible to meet you one day.

I am gifting this small chapter for you. Be a Brave professional chartered Accountant and serve to the country and its betterment. I wish you a bright future and enjoy this special day with your family.

♥️♥️Happy birthday little one ♥️♥️

Lots of love

Doctor has prescribed medicines after inspecting gauri because she has high level of fever due to drench in the heavy rain for hours.

Omkara slowly entered into her room while everyone gathered around gauri's bed. Same as before she is laying down with closed eyes and her usual aura and gracefulness is not with her today.

He looked at her wall picture. It was her favorite and his too. She enlarged the photo that Rudy took when they are posing with Rio. She is holding little Rio in her arms and he is hugging her from the behind. If it is possible to go back in time , he preferred to go back to his childhood.  his RI entered into his life as an angel and she colored his life beautifully. No matter what was the matter she was there with open arms to welcome his each and every sorrow and pain.

He is the luckiest guy to have a great and amazing friend like his Ri. Today he wonders whether he is equally good friend to her. He was the reason for her suffering. So many questions are roaming around his head but none of it has answers.

"Are you her fiancé?" Om turned his head hurriedly to witness Doctor is standing nearby Rohan. Before Rohan answers to it he took big steps to reach Doctor and Rohan who is standing nearby bed.

"Noooo Nooo he is not her fiancé... why are you asking unnecessary questions? What is the need to ask such kind of a question? How did you assume that she is his girlfriend... No way" Om shouted at Doctor narrowing his eyes.

"Om what kind of behavior is this? Try to behave yourself" jhanvi warned Om as all others looked at him surprisingly because of his Rude behavior just for an word.

"I am sorry Doctor actually he is not in a good state because of gauri's condition. Please come in this way" Shivay said while throwing angry glare at Omkara who is currently furiously looking at Rohan and Doctor.

"I can understand... it's okey." He said as went out with Shivay. Rohan followed Doctor after saying good bye to all in the room.

"What is this Om? This is not a proper way to speak" Rudy whispers to Om.

"How could he to ask such a stupid question..." Om whispers back while directing his angry focus to Rohan who is currently going out from the room.

"Why? What is the problem... that is not an idiotic question... he can be her fiancé" Rudy replied with sly smile as he tried hard to control his laughter.

"No way... not in this birth neither in any other. If he has such an intention then I will forget that he is my friend" Om answered.

"Do you expect gauri to be single in her life ahhh she deserves someone to be with her."

"I am always be there to be with her and I will take care of my Ri" He said while looking at Gauri.

"How selfish... don't forget that you have a girl friend to handle. When you're romancing with Ridhima do you expect Gauri to be single all the time. Are you lost your mind? I am not sure whether you're my real biological brother... need to recheck that... you're an idiot" Rudy glared at Om.

"Firstly I was not romancing with Ridhima for these 2 months and I am not comfortable enough to be closer to her. And I am not be able to see someone close to Ri. I don't know why but I don't like it... And no need to recheck...I am your biological brother... that's why we two share same idiotic traits" Om said while slightly slapping to Rudy's cheek.

Rohan has started to annoy Omkara firstly on gauri's 7th birthday which jhanvi has planned a small party to all kids.

Little gauri standing with Prinku while playing with balloons and enjoying the party with all her friends.

"Ri...." Rohan was there at the entrance by holding rose flower bunch and gift box in his hand.

"Hey Rohan come here" Gauri said to Rohan as he ran towards gauri and gave his gift to gauri while placing soft kiss on her cheek.

"Beautiful roses to beautiful girl" Said Rohan again kissing her cheek.

"Thank you Rohan "

Om ran towards Rohan by taking big steps while frowning.

"ROHAN..... why did you kiss my Ri? Do I need to remind you again and again not to call her as Ri." Om said getting more closer to Rohan.

"It's her birthday and that's the way to wish. Her cheek is so soft" Rohan said as again touching her pinky cheeks.

"Don't..... Don't touch her.... there are many other ways to wish Rohan. You can hand shake"

"That is formal Om... this is the good way to wish to very special friend" Rohan said mischievously as again kissed gauri and ran away before Om react on it.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaa Rohan.......... " Om screamed.

"Bhaiya this is so funny..." Prinku Said while laughing and stopped when seeing Om is looking at her with an angry glare.

Om came close to Ri and placed his both hands on her cheeks.

"Ri is mine... she is my doll" he said while kissing her both cheeks to show as she is belongs to him.

Ignore grammatical and spelling mistakes. Do vote and comment and I like to know about all of your thoughts about RI and O.


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