Chapter 6- looks like an angel

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Gauri lying on the bed with hugging his doll tightly. Om doing his homework hurriedly to play with others. All are playing cricket but his science teacher gave a project to complete about solar system and he has to complete that on today.

Gauri: OOOOOOO......
Om: why Ri, give me another 15 minutes
Gauri: 15 minutes over
Om: you go and play with others I will come
Gauri: No I don't want to go. Want to play with you

Om smiled at gauri that she doesn't want to leave him and go to play with others. No matter how much boring to wait like this for 2 hours but this little girl still waiting for Om to go downstairs.

Om: okey, then come help me
She jumped from the bed and ran to Om to look at his project.
Gauri: O, so many balls....this is red color and this is blue... why are you painting balls
Om: not balls system
Gauri pouted at omkara not knowing what he is saying because for her these Are like colorful balls.
Gauri: are you coloring these balls...I also can help
Om: okey... then paint this one
Om gave paint brush to gauri and she is stroking paint brush in different directions which has ruined the ball completely. Gauri holds the ball in her left hand and pointed towards Om.
Gauri: this is not good.... Ugly ball... I don't know to paint O
Om: Ri, this is good I will color it again give me
Gauri handed that to omkara and sat on the table by crossing her legs.
Om: give me 10 minutes Ri
Gauri: do you know painting O
Om: yes I can paint Ri, my favorite subject ... wait I will give you my drawing book
Om got his drawing book from the bag and handed over to gauri. She has turned pages and saw how beautifully he has portrayed flowers, animals and fruits.
Gauri: awww beautiful O... this is an elephant... this is a dog and this is yellow flower
Om: sun flower Ri...
Om smiled at this little girl's cute antics. She is looking at his drawing book with awed look and she animatedly speak with herself while looking at the book. Suddenly she looked up and leaned towards Om.
Gauri: O... can you draw me
Om: hmm i don't know to draw real person... but I will try Ri.. Papa said that he will join me to Art class. I will draw you then
Gauri: how long it will take
Om: hmmm... I will gift you that painting on your 18th birthday
Gauri: 18th means...
She has started to count her figures and pointed both hands towards Om.
Gauri: this much...
Om: no Ri... this is ten and need 3 more years
Gauri: but I can't wait that much long O... then paint me
Om: paint you?
Gauri nods her head and took the paint brush and dipped into yellow color paint bottle on the table. She slowly directed the brush towards his nose and colored his nose.
Gauri: like this... color me O
Om smiled at gauri and took the brush from her hand and colored her nose with yellow color. And painted her cheeks with red color And around her eyes, he used green color for that.
Gauri: O paint my hands too
She pointed her hands towards Om while giggling.
He used brown and orange color to paint her hands and on the palm he wrote RIO.
Gauri: What did you write O
Om: Rio... Ri plus O
She bends down to Omkara's eye level and surprisingly gave a kiss to his right cheek then Gauri jumped from the table and ran to downstairs happily.
Shivay is batting while Rudy bowling and prinku doing fielding. Gauri came in front of prinku and all got shocked by seeing gauri in this state.

Gauri: am I beautiful?
She asked with holding a sparkle in her eyes. Rudy started to laugh at gauri and others followed him. Gauri felt really sad because she came to show this amazing art of her O to all of them, but now they all are laughing.
Rudy: gauri... you are exactly like a color light. Green yellow and red
Gauri: no...this is beautiful... this is the first painting of O
Rudy: No... he has painted a lot
Gauri: Rudy Bhaiya... i am his first girl painting
Prinku: first girl painting means???
Gauri saw that jhnavi and Dadi coming from the garage.
Gauri: will tell you later Prinku...
She ran to jhanvi to show this piece of art of her O and prinku followed gauri.
Jhanvi: gauri baby... what is this?
Gauri: O painted me...
She said with a happy face and turned to Dadi.
Gauri: Dadi... am I beautiful?
Dadi smiled at this cute little baby who is eagerly waiting for her answer. She bended down and look into her face and kissed her hair.
Dadi: looks like an angel
Prinku: No dadi Om Bhaiya painted gauri as a monster
Prinku is now laughing as gauri glaring at Prinku with a frown.
Jhanvi: this Om is too much. Day by day he is becoming more mischievous maaji...OM...
Jhanvi screams Om to come down and entered to mansion while holding gauri. Om came down with confused look. Jhanvi saw that his nose also painted with yellow color.
Om: maa why?
Jhanvi: come here... why did you painted gauri... ahh answer me Om
Om doesn't know what to say and he looked down as he cannot tell that gauri asked him to do so. Gauri don't know why jhanvi maa shouting at O. her O is a great artist and shouldn't she needs to appreciate his talent?
Gauri: jhanvi maa... I asked O to paint me please don't shout at him
Jhanvi completely ignored gauri and stepped towards Om and pinched his ear and warned him to not to do this again because all paints are not supposed to apply on face. Gauri ran towards jhnavi and hugged her leg with tearful eyes.

Gauri: maa please don't punish O. I told him to paint me and I painted his nose too. Maa punish me... leave O
Gauri started to cry little louder and Rudy and shivay also came into mansion by hearing gauri pleading. Gauri is crying by pleading to jhanvi. Om can't tolerate his crying Ri, he distanced gauri from jhnavi and hugged her and started to patting her head.
Om: shhh Ri stop ....don't cry please...look maa is not angry with me...

they are adorable together. Dadi looked at these two, with a lovely smile and jhnavi too felt guilty of shouting for this little incident. Jhnavi stepped towards them and bend down. She hugged both gauri and omkara.
Jhanvi: some paints are allergy to apply on skin baby... I will buy face painting kit to you... don't use these paints
Gauri: really?
Gauri smiled with tearful eyes by hugging jhanvi and apologized again for her misbehavior. Jhanvi told them to go and wash their faces quickly.

Prinku: maa... this is Bhaiya's first girl painting... take a photo to keep with his drawing collection...
shivay: good idea prinku.
Jhanvi smiled and took out her phone from her handbag and handed over it to shivay to take a picture.
Rudy: Gauri pose for the photo
Gauri cutely smiled by focusing the camera, on the other hand jhanvi looks at this little girl who came into their lives suddenly and changed their lives in a most beautiful way. She is feeling a strong attachment with this little girl. For sure... it's not because of that she is her best friend's daughter but because she feels that Gauri is a part of her life just like omkara Rudy and prinku.
Jhanvi: Shivay baby... capture both painter and his painting together
Shivay: Okey badi Maa
Rudy makes gauri to sit on the last step of the staircase while Om sitting behind gauri while hugging her neck. Beautiful and most precious photograph of their lives.

Dadi: they are so cute together jhanviJhanvi: ha maaji

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Dadi: they are so cute together jhanvi
Jhanvi: ha maaji... my babies
Dadi: I think Om got his better half jhanvi
Jhanvi looked at her mother in law while smiling and nodded her head.
Jhanvi: i wish maaji...but they are too young... for them, they are best friends... I don't know what destiny has holds for them... but I loved to keep gauri forever in my life as my daughter in law.
Dadi: all the things are happening for a reason jhanvi... let's see
Om and gauri came to the bathroom and gauri sat in the bath tub while holding her face wash. Om also came and sat opposite to Ri and opened the water tap. Now tub is filling with the water slowly. Gauri washing her face with both hands which caused spread the paint all over her face.
Om: Ri...wait I will clean
Om washed her eyes while Appling face wash around her eyes safely and washed green color paint from her eyes. And then he cleaned her nose which is full of yellow color paint and then her rosy cheeks.
Om: your skin is so soft Ri... just like a flower petals
Gauri smiled very cutely by looking at omkara and got face wash from him and apply it on his nose to clean yellow color paint on his nose.
Gauri: your skin is also soft O just like my bear's nose
Om: don't lie Ri...
Now tub is filled with water and he splashed water to gauri and she did the same while smiling and they played with water till jhanvi came and got out these two from the tub.
Longest chapter till now. Hope you liked it.

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