Chapter 19- Does he really love me?

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Om is getting very unfamiliar weird feelings and his attention is roaming around his Missed kiss. The way she closed her eyes as to give him pace to take a lead is unforgettable. He is grinning like a idiot by memorizing that moment.

"Something is weird" he sat down to have breakfast.

"Good morning Om" Rudy said with a mischievous smile and Shivay smacks on his shoulder lightly.

"Indeed a very good morning to Om... did you Missed something" that wink from Shivay is enough to figure out that they are talking about morning incident.

"Prinku..." he narrows his brows while looking at Prinku who is silently eating as an innocent kid.

Bhavya along with gauri stepped towards the dining area to have breakfast. Gauri is in a deep thought as She doesn't know whether it is appropriate to confess her feelings by knowing that he has a girlfriend or does she need to let him go away from her life.

The mere feeling of letting him to go away from her life is killing inside her and forcing him to be in a relationship with her also not acceptable because she is not that much heartless to break up Om and Ridhima's pure relationship. "What if he actually loves her..."

"Gauri how are you feeling now" jhanvi asked while holding her hand and directing to dining table.

"Feeling better maa" she said smiling while covering her sorrow and sadness behind her smile.

"Sit baby have your breakfast" Om looked up and suddenly met with her eyes and holds his gaze on her for few seconds.

"She looks extremely beautiful right?" Rudy whispered to Om.

"Hmmm as an angel... the most beautiful girl inside and out" he said automatically and turned around to see his idiotic brother looking at him while grinning.

"Why are you smiling like an idiot..."

"Nothing special but I must say I am not an idiot and way better than you"

Before Om trying to react on it Pinky mentioned that she has something to tell to everyone as all diverted their attention to Pinky.

"My Shivay is going to marry... so I don't need to bother about his future because I know Anika will be there for Shivay. but now my daughter need my full attention" Pinky looked at gauri with motherly love.

"She has filled my lonely heart with love and happiness For these two years... my bachcha" tears escaped from her eyes as gauri kneeled down between jhanvi and pinky and kept her head on her lap.

"It's the right time to do my responsibility as a mother" Pinky firmly looked at jhanvi while ignoring Om's confused look. Jhanvi nodded slightly as to give her approval as Pinky makes gauri to sit on her lap.

"You're not young anymore gauri... and I want you to be happy. I want my old gauri back... can you give my old bubbly joyful girl" Gauri is not sure whether she can live just like before with this pain. She just looked down to avoid Om's gaze.

"What is she trying to say Rudy" asked confused Om from rudy as Rudy replied by shaking his head.

"Ri is not well but that doesn't mean she is not as before." Om said offensively.

"Don't you feel that she is not same as before" Rudy answered back as Om replied by a confused look.

"Look at me gauri... I want you to be happy. Don't get me wrong I am not forcing you to do anything" Pinky holds her chin and makes gauri to look at her eyes.

"There is a marriage proposal for you." She took few seconds to record the exactly meaning of the Pinky's words. Before gauri reacting to the news Om has lost his balance and dropped the spoon onto plate.

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