Meeting Johns

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Betty pov 

Today I'm going to be meeting Jelly bean and Gladys for the first time.  Their coming to a PTA meeting. ( at my school it PTSA how about you ) . We're all performing some songs and dances. 

Kevin; You ready 

I nod 

That was the first one. After the principle talked some more I and Keven do a  song.

Everyone clapped. After a while, it was time to go Juggie came up to me. 

Jughead: Hey Betts 

We kiss 

Jughead: Um my parents and JB want to know if you want to go to Pop's with use

Betty: Sure let me just change.

I was still in my cheer outfit. I walk to the locker room and got changed.

After getting ready say bye and telling my mom were I was going , I was outside with Jug

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After getting ready say bye and telling my mom were I was going , I was outside with Jug.

Jughead: They should be there alread . 

After riding to Pop's on Jug's bike . We go in to get waved over by FP.

F.P: There you two are .

He gets up giving use both of use a hug before sitting down next a women with brownish hair.

 Jug sits down next to a girl with red hair he  pulls me onto his lap.  

Jughead: Mom and Jelly bean this is my girlfriend Betty Copper 

We shake each others hands .

Jellybean : Hi I' J.B but Jughead class me Jellybean

Betty: I get it people still call me Elizabeth all the time .  Why such a name mother why? 

Alice : Because when I looked into your eyes I knew you where my little princess .

Betty: Hi mom

Jughead and Fp : Hello Alice 

Alice :  Boys 

Galdys:  So Alice you have a little girl 

Alice:   Two girls

Just then my sister walked in..

Polly: Hey mo, sissy, jug,F.P, and people I don't know

Betty: Polly this is Gladys Jug's mom and J.B his sister. Guy this is my sister Polly

Polly: Older sister and nice to meet you know come on you two. You said to spend time with the twins. 

Betty; Oh ya . Well it was good  meeting all of you guys . Bye love you Jug.

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