Bad Past 2

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Betty pov

Archie and I were yelling. He was backing me into the wall.

Archie: What did I tell you bi***

He slaps me

Archie: You little so**

He punches me making me fall down on the floor.

He punches and kicks me a few more time before leaving to go have sex* with some girl.

I run upstairs to texts Jug that I was okay.

When I finally did do3mone open the f4ount door I thought it was Archie so I went to the bathroom.

Jughead; Betts

Betty: Juggie

I walk out to see Jughead in the bedroom.

Jughead: Thank God for your okay.

Betty: What are you doing Jug

Jughead: I'm taking you somewhere you could be safe.

Betty: Why

Jughead: Because I love you, Betts

Betty; I love you too

He takes my face in his hands and we lean in and kiss.

When we pull away we smile at each other.

Jughead: Now let's get your clothes.

I nod. We start packing everything up. Trying to get out before he came home.

_2 years later_

It's been two years sent Jug helped me get away from Archie. Now Jug and I are married and are having a twin. I had a bad past but now I have a good future.

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