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  Jughead Pov

It's time to go to war. We are attacking the ghoulies they killed one of our men so we are coming at them. We sat afront to the castle.

Fp; Go for the princess if we get her we can win

We run into the castle people start shutting I run up the stairs to the top where the king keeps the princess. I push a door open that reviled a blonde princess. 

Betty: Who are you 

She gets up from her chair pointing the book she was reading before at me. 

Jughead; The serpent prince now you are coming with me.

A gunshot rings downstairs.

Man: Elizbeth

Betty; Daddy 

Man; Run

She throws the book at me hitting my head. I groan in pain. She jumped out the window I run over to see her nowhere. I hear stuff on the roof. I looked on top and there she was. 

Jughead; What the he*l

I got on the roof slowly coming towards her

Betty: I never have done anything to you leave me alone

She has tears in her eyes as she backs away from me

Jughead: That's true princess but your father has you see he got your man to kill one of my best men. 

Betty: So that has nothing to do with me. You think I like the fact that my father hurts people. I hate it okay. I'll help do whatever you want money I could get you money.

Jughead; You could not pay the debt of your father

Betty: I can please don't hurt me

Fp: Marry my son

Both: What 

Fp; Ficks the thing that started this rivalry may yea ago 

A/N: Hi this is a sneak peak to a upcoming book in the the near weeks

BUGHRAD/SPOURSEHART ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now