Bad Past

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Third Person Pov

Betty Copper seemed like the girl who liked next door , who would fall in love with the prefect boy next door. But that was not true the boy who she though was the love of her life was a horrible drunk and abusive boyfriend. 

Archie: Betty get your a**  over here

The young girl ran out off their bed room 

Betty: Yes

Archie: Go get me a drink you sul*

She just nodded. She knew he had already had to much to drink but she did not fell like get slapped  .

Archie;Whats taking you so long 

He walked into the kitchen grabbing the cold beer out of her hand . Then slapping her .

Archie: Go make my dinner Jughead will be here soon

_Time skip to dinner_

Jughead: So what are we eating  tonight 

Archie: What ever that b**** makes . Betty  get your a** here .

Jughead: Wow dude don't talk to her like that

Archie: I can talk to her any way I want to

Betty: It's fine Jug here you go guys

Archie: Did I say yu could talk

She stayed quite 

Archie: Go get me  a drink one for jug too. What do you want man? 

Jughead: Just a water please Betts

After a few minutes Betty came back with the drinks.

Jughead: Thank you Betts 

Betty: No problem Juggie

Archie: Hey b***** this is not beer it's water

Betty: I thought you should have something other than beer 

Archie: You know Jug I think you should go. I'll see you later I need to talk to Betty right now.

Jughead just nodded his head walking outside waiting on the front door. He was not stupid he knew that Archie beats the crap out of Betty . So he was going to wait tell she would run up to the room she shared with Archie . He would run end and get her when Archie finally left .

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