Serpent Tattoo

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Betty pov

Today I'm getting my Serpent Tatto. It's a surprise for Jug's birthday. He has been waiting for me to get one forever. I got Toni to do it while everyone was eating at Pops.
Right now I'm looking at it. It came out better than I thought it would.

 It came out better than I thought it would

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It on my thigh. In love it.

Toni: He's going to love it.

Betty: OMG thank you 

Toni: No Problem let's get down stairs 

I nod . We walk down stairs every now back.

Jughead: Hey Toni , Baby

He pulls me into his lap.

Toni: Can I get you guys any thing ?

Betty: Can I get some chicken fingers 

She nods

Jughead: No I'm good

Toni: You want a soda too Copper

I nod

Jughead: Dang Baby Why is your leg so red

Betty: I don't know 

Jughead: Stand up

I get up from his lap.

Jughead: You did not

Betty: I did 

He pull me closer putting me on top of the counter 

Betty: Do you like it 

Jughead" Like it , Baby this is hot, sexy Wow

Betty: Really

Jughead: Yes , Who did it

Betty; Toni

Jugheaad: OMG Toni thank you

Toni: It's No problem , she did better than you and half the men I did tattoos for .

I giggle

Jughead: Whatever

Toni: Here's your food 

Jughead: I can't believe you got a tattoo

Betty: I can't believe you didn't want any food

Jughead: No I do I just am going to still yours

He takes one 

Betty: HEY

Jughead: I LOVE YOU


Jughead: HEY


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