It hurts

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A/N: This is during season 2 when Betty and Jughead break up. Suicide is not funny. 

Betty Pov

Everyone hates me my best friends, the love of my life, and even my own family. 'What do you want you oversize cow."In case you haven't noticed I'm weird, I'm a weirdo".The fact that my own father the person who started all this. The fact that my whole family is going crazier than they already are. Then the love of my life breaks up with me the only thing left for me to do is kill myself. I don't see the point of life anymore. I get all the pills my mother already pushes down me. I get into my bathtub and chug down the pills and soon everything goes black. 

Polly Pov

I was going to go cheek on Betty. As I walked into her pastel wonderland? I walk into her bathroom to see my little sister blackout. 

Polly: Betty ...Mom

Mom runs upstairs

Alice; Betty 

Polly: Call 911

She runs and calls 911

-At the hospital-

They say Betty is okay it just up to her to wake up. Mom is making me go to school. I walked into the student lounge and I heard the people who were supposed to be Betty's friends talking about her. 

Veronica: Betty's such a b**ch

Archie: Yep 

Cheryl: It would do her right to lose a few pounds

Toni: And maybe not look like such a grandma

Jughead; I can't believe I ever dated her. 

They all started laughing. 

I could not watch them say hose things anymore. 

Polly: No you guys are the b**chs, you guys are supposed to be her friend and jughead you were her boyfriend. You know why she was being bitchy it because every day we have to go home to a crazy mother and a serial killer father. She broke up your friendships and relationships I can't believe she tried to kill herself for you.

I stump out of the room at the hospital.

-At the Hospital.-

I run to Betty's room to hear beeping I start crying that's the day my sister died the day I lost one of the most important people to me.

Jughead Pov

My Juliet died on a Wednesday. Two months after we broke up a week after she cut herself. We buried her on a Thursday. She was dressed in pink. A smile on her faces reminding me of her sleeping peacefully. I'm sad she did not die in my arms but that alone. I cry every night know if my flaunt that my love is gone.

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