Your a dad 2

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Betty Pov

Juggie and I have been going out for a few months now he says has a surprise for me. Witch I'm really excited for he says he hopes I like it, witch, I fell as I will. 

I knock on the door to be greeted by Juggie.

Jughead; Hello loves

Betty; Hi 

We share a quick kiss but we get interrupted by someone

????: Daddy 

I pull away quickly

Betty; What?

Jughead; That what I've been meaning to tell you

Betty; You're a dad?

He just nods. I get down to his son level out my hand out.

Betty: I'm Betty Copper what s your name

Noah: I Noah Johns

He takes my hand. 

Noah: Do you want to play with me and daddy

I nod he grabs both our hands dragging to use to what I guess is his room. 

Later that night 

Juggie and I were sitting in the living room. 

Jughead: so 

Betty: I wish like it could be like that every night 

Jughead: I under- wait really 

Betty: Jug I love you so much and seeing how such a good father you are I love you more 

5 years later

I look up from my sketchbook to see Jughead chasing Juliet and Noah around the field. 

Betty: Come eat 

They rush over

Making me giggle.

I start taking everything out. Then pick up my baby girl Willow.

Willow: Berry 

I start feeding her berries witch start get all over her lips

Jughead: Prefect

I look at him confused.

Jughead: Everything's perfect we have two beautiful little girls and a boy then I have you, my beautiful wife 

Making me smile he' s right something may not seem perfect at first but they could change and get better

A/N;  Hi loves hope you enjoyed

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