The plan

538 8 0

3 rd Person

( Get ready for a lot of time skips. )(  Also the copper's are an actually good family Chic is really their child)  

( Back when they all where little Archie and Jughead are 5 and Betty is 4)

Archie could not wait to meet the new neighbors. His dad said that they had kids. Archie and his parents walked over to their new neighbor's house. It was the biggest house on the block. They had three kids Chic who was the oldest and to old for Archie to play with. There was Polly who was the middle child but also to old to play with Archie. Final there was sweet little Betty who was only a few months younger than Archie. He did not believe that the little girl not much younger than him would do anything fun with him. As the Coppers and his mother was talking Archie talk to his dad. 

Archie: Dad how can I have fun with any of them? They don't play in trees or play in the mud. 

Fred: You might be surprised at what happened', son. Now go play outside. 

Archie played outside Betty was on the porch reading. Archie fell off the tree Betty rushed over giving him Aid. Archie made it a vow to always protect her. 

- First day of school-

It was Betty's Cooper's first day of school in the town of Riverdale and Archie did everything to make sure she was protected. 

It was playtime Archie was to busy playing with Reggie to play with her. She saw a boy with raven back hair all alone. She walked over to him. 

Betty: Hi 

Jughead: Hi

Betty: My names Betty Copper. What's yours?

Jughead: You'll make fun of me. 

Betty: I will not. 

Jughead: It's Jughead

Betty: 'Giggles'  I'm sorry. It's not that bad. 

Jughead: Do you like stories?

. Betty; Yes

Jughead: Okay I'll tell you one. 

Archie soon notices that Betty was gone. So he looked all over for her. He noticed Betty talking to the weird boy of the school. He got a little jealous.  

Archie: Betty

Betty; Archie!

The blonde screamed giving her best friend a huge. 

Archie: Why don't you play with us. 

Betty; Wait  Jughead meet Archie. Archie meet Jughead. Jughead has the best stories. 

Jughead was kind of jealous because she was playing with someone else. 

Betty: Why don't you play with use Juggie. 

The three hung out and gain a newfound friendship

A/N: Hello Loves this is going to be put into parts. I read this book by I totally forgot there name a while ago and it no longer in my library so I don't know but this is not my idea.  

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