MR.Girlfriend Taker

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Betty Pov

It was Saturday Jug and I deiced to go to the mall.  We already went so many stores Jug had to take our stuff to the Car. He told me to go heed and wait for him in the food court.   Some guy was pacing me he dropped his wallet and did not notice . I pick it up walk towards him tapping on his shoulder . 

Betty: Um Hey sir you droped your wallet.

He turn around. Take the wallet out my hand.

Guy:  Oh thank you I would have never notices . I'm Mark by the way.

Betty; Oh Hey Mark I'm Betty.

Mark: Maybe I can Pay for your lunch

Betty: Oh know it find I'm  waiting on my.....

Before I could finish my sentence Jug wraps his arm's around me 

Jughead: Boyfriend 

Mark; Oh maybe some other time 

Jughead: Ya maybe not

He grabs my hand take me away from Mark and sitting me down on his lap in a chair on the other side of the food court.

Betty: Juggie why you do that?

Jughead: Why did I do ! I did noting wrong it's Mr. Girlfriend taker over there

 He stares at the poor guy. Who wave I try to wave back but Jug keeps a hold on my hand.

Jughead : Lets go to Pop's 

He pulls me up not even letting me say any thing . I just gigggle at how cute he gets when he's protective .

BUGHRAD/SPOURSEHART ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now