You never had a sleepover #2

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Betty Pov

Everyone was now at V's house getting ready for or sleepover ritual.

Betty: Okay put your hands in the circle...Tonight we have a sleepover. A sleepover that will stay between these girls in this room.  The secrets said will never be said again. What happens at the sleepover. 

All: Stays at the sleepover. 

Veronica: Okay first hair. 

Cheryl: Because it's JB's first time she should go first. 

Betty: Alright close your eyes.

A few minutes later  

Betty: Done Open your eyes 

We turn her around to see herself in the mirror. 

JB: I love it

Betty: Let's go on Hair, Makeup, and nails.

 - After-

Veronica; Prank Calls 

JB; My dad 

Betty: Okay 

JB: Hello

FP: JB did you call me? 

JB: No you called me dad.

FP: I'm sorry must have butt-dialed you or something goodnight. 

Cheryl: Good job newcomer

- A couple more phone calls later-

JB; What now

Betty:  Snacks and movies

As we were watching the movie we heard something downstairs

JB: Who ging to check 

Betty: We all are. 

We all grab something

Veronica: Who is it? 

????: Hahaha 

????: You guys thought that would help if it was a killer 

V finally cuts on the light  to reveal the boys. 

Cheryl: Oh F you all

Archie: It was funny 

Toni: No this flat iron could have hurt you guys. 

Betty: I'll still hurt them with it. 

Jughead: With the curling iron. 

Betty: It's still. 

Jughead: How your first sleepover JB

JB: Pretty good tell you missed it up. 

Jughead: Thanks 

JB: Thanks Betty 

Betty: Find 

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