I Hate You

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Betty POV
I was so excited. My best friends are getting married. I'm throwing a party today with Archie's best man. I walk into the venue to be greated by someone I hate the most Jughead Jones.

Jughead: Betty Copper

Betty: Fortyse

I sat the bags down.

Betty: Can you help ?

Jughead: That's what I came here for.

I roll my eyes pick everything up. Form the balloons to the cake . I clime the latter hanging up the banner. Almost had it and slipped .

I closed my eyes expecting to fall on my butt but I'm caught by..... Jughead Jones . Our faces where close together.

Jughead: Uhhh okay

He puts me back on my feet.

Betty: People should be here soon soo. I'm going to change out of these and be right back.
He just nods.

My faces is finally cooled down. As Jughead and I walk out side .The party was great.
Jughead: You did a great job with this party

Betty: Thank you ... I totally still hate you

As we lean in and kiss.

Jughead: I hate you way more.

I lean back into the kiss. Totally Hate Each Other.

A/N It been a long time since I updated so I really hope you injoy sorry it so short work with my on this please .LOVE YOU MY LITTLE SUNSHINES YOU MAKE ME HAPPY WHEN TIMES A GRAY I HOPE YOI KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU BUT I HOPE YOU DONT GO AWAY

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