We're all going to be okay

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A/N: This is based off Riverdale season finale. So don't read if you have not seen it yet. If you have not it was so good! I was dead. 

Betty Pov

Cheryl, Toni, the serpents and the pretty poison saved us.

Betty: Guys I don't think the antidote helped.

Veronica; Ya  I don't fell the best 

Jughead: OKay hold on 

 He turns around and before I knew it everything went black.

Jughead Pov

We have been in the hospital for a few hours now. The girls blacked out only a few seconds after saying they felt horrible. 

Archie: What is taking so long we came here hours ago.

Toni: You boys need to calm down.

Jughead: Don't tell me to calm down my girlfriends in there and I don't know what wrong. You know the last thing I heard her say was she did not feel good.

 Cheryl: Hey you don't have to talk to her like that 

Jughead: Find I'm sorry I'm just stress.

Fangs: When the last time you boys ate 

Archie: I say about 2 days ago

I nod my head

Fangs: I'll go get you something  

Fang left when a doctor walked in. 

Doctor: Betty Copper and Veronica Lodge

We all stood

Doctor: Miss. Copper and Miss. Lodge our okay, they just need rest.

Archie: They have been going throw a lot lately.

Jughead: Can we see them 

Doctor: Yes room 316

All: Thank

We walked into the cold white room to see the two girls awake.

Jughead: Hey there Juliet.

Betty: Hi Romeo.

Jughead; You okay  

Betty; Yes I'm fine 

Veronica: We both are.

Doctor: That right you girls can leave if you like. As long as you have no stress. 

Jughead: No investigating

Archie: No working 

Both: Whatever 

Betty: We're all going to be okay at the end of the day.

All: Well be okay 

A/N: Hi love I hope you guys liked it. What else do you guys think I should write about.  

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