You Never Had A Sleepover

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A/N: Hey my dear died hard shipper. I have some really good thing to come hun's that I'm hoping you love it as much as I am. In this chapter their all their age on the show.

Betty POV

  We all were at  Pop's talking about what should we do this weekend.

Toni: Get our nails done.

Veronica: Go shopping 

Cheryl: Our hair 

Betty: How about a sleepover

JB: I never had a sleepover

Girls Really 

Betty JB do you want to have a sleepover

JB: Yes but that other stuff sounds fun too

Betty: You do all that stuff at a sleepover 

JB: Then yes 

Girls; Ya

Toni: Who's place 

Veronica: Mines 

Betty: It's all set we just have to tell Jug and FP

JB: Okay 

JB and I get inside my car driving to my old house where the Jones and I stay. We finally are inside the big house to see the Jones Boys in the kitchen. 

Fp: Hi JB and Betty how was Pops.

Both: Good 

JB Speaking of the girls I was wondering if I could speed how long ...

Betty: Night and A day 

Fp: Sure I guess as long as there's no drink or anything too crazy. 

Betty: Well do, go pack some stuff JB. 

She nods walking to her room. 

Jughead: What are we going to do dad?

Jug wraps his arms around me. 

Fp: I have no idea boy what do you think you should do? 

Betty: Why don't you hang out with your friends.

I unwrapped Jugs arms around my waist walking to the stairs to the room we shared. I pack all the stuff I needed for the sleepover. There was a light knock on the door.

Jughead: Thanks for doing this for my sister. 

Betty: Jug thanks but Jug, I don't see your sister as my boyfriend's sister she like a little sister to me now you have nothing worry about. Hey and this time don't do anything stupid with the boys okay.  

I walk down the stairs where JB was waiting for me. 

Betty: Ready for your first sleepover. 

JB: Ready as I'll ever be.

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