The Plan #2

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3rd person

( Their now 11)

The three best friends grow up to become closer. The boys became very protective of their girl best friend who became very beautiful. They were not the only ones who notices.  A lot of the boys of Riverdale notice how Betty's beauty grew every day.  Jughead and Archie did not like that one bit. So the two jealous best friends made a plan. The made sure that no boy in Riverdale would ever take their best friends away from them. 

( Bettys 16 and Jug and Archie are 17)

The three had grown apart. Well, mostly Archie and Jughead. Betty always made time for her to favorite boys. They were her only friend of course with her cousin, Cheryl. Archie was always doing football and music. Jughead always was busy with the Serpent. Even though the boys no longer being close they always came together to keep Betty to themselves but that soon changed. One day Betty was sitting at Pop's alone when a raven head girl came up to her.

???????: Hi my name Veronica. You seem nice. So do you know where Riverdale High is?

Betty: Yes I'm heading there now to watch cheer tryouts.

Veronica: Why aren't you trying out.

Betty: I'm not pretty.

Veronica: That's so not true your one of the prettiest girls I ever met. Why do you think you are not pretty?

Betty: A guys never asked me out or even had my first kiss. 

Veronica: That's their own fault now your going t do cheer with me come on. 

Betty: Okay I don't see why not. 

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