Betty Johns

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3rd POV

Betty Copper and Jughead Johns got married 10 months ago. Now their expecting twins. Jughead had to handle so serpent stuff today's so Betty's home alone. She has to do everything her self so she decided to make dinner for jug and the serpents. The blonde beauty mixed together some sauce for chicken when someone opens the door. 

FP: Betty

Betty: Hey FP what are you doing here 

FP: Well Jug called me to check on you.

 Betty: Oh when are they coming home 

FP: In about an hour 

Betty: Great the food should be ready by then

FP; I'm sure Jug would not like you over the stove cooking

Betty; FP I know but they are all going to be so hungry 

FP; They could just get them some Pop's 

Betty: They have been on the road they have had fast food every day. Was better than home getting a hot homemade meal

FP; My son not killing  me for letting you cook

Betty: I had nothing better today

FP; Shopping for he twins

Betty; Overnight shopping stuff came in this morning 

FP; Hang out with the girls

 Betty: I did that the first two days

FP: Okay are you almost done

Betty: Yes

FP: How about you set down and I'll make the table. 

The blonde sighed but agreed. The olde man started setting the table all perfect almost not as nice as the pregnant blonde in the living room ordering moe stuff for the twins. Just then the door opens to revel Jughead. 

Betty:  Juggie

The prenate woman rush to her husband who picked her holding her in his arms. 

JUghead; Hey Juliet

They kissed each other. Snuggling close. After their moment Betty said hello to the serpent while Jug talked to his father.

Jughead; How was she?

FP; She made you guys a hold meal.

The boy laughed.

Betty:  Come on guys I made chicken, potatoes, vegetables, and pie.

Everyone started drolling thinking of the meal the queen had made them.

FP; Oh Betty Johns what are we going to do with you

Sweet Pea; How about with out her ? 

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