Spoursehart - Meeting Abby

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Lili pov 

I'm so happy my goddaughter/niece is coming  to Vancouver . My sister and her husband are letting her go by herself .  I had a friend that was coming back  is riding with  her Cole and I are going to go pick them up .

Cole: You think she'll  still remember me.

He been worried that Abby won't remember him . They have only meet once , but they talk a lot on face time. She even watch the show, even thought her thought she looks at it with my family so they could see me act , but they do watch out for Cole. 

Lili: Don't whore baby she'll remember she talks about you all the time 

He just nods getting his key we walk out the door.

-At the airport- 

We walk into the airport we have guards around use . When we get there we potted them right away  When they saw use Abby came running into my arms .

Abby:Aunt Lil Lil 

Lili: Hi Babygirl 

I kiss her forehead handing her to Cole

Amanda: Hi Lil

Lili: Thank you so much . Do you need a ride? 

Amanda; Oh no Bobby is here on that note I have to go. Bye Lils Bye Cole . Bye Abby Hope to see you before you go 

Abby nods giggling . I give her one last huge before we walk away.

Cole : You girls hungry? 

We both nod. We stop at In-N-Out drive throe . We soon get back home . We eat and get ready for tomorrow. Abby's coming to set with use. Everyone side it was okay and they would be gald to meet her so we hope it all goes well. 

Time skip next morning

I wake up to little feet pattering in the hallway and knocking on the door.

Cole: Come in 

Abby comes in with her doll . Cole puts her in the middle of use. 

Lili: You hungry we got to get to set soon 

She nods her head sheepishly. I smile kissing her head . we all took showers well me and Cole did we gave Abby a bubble bath. 

After eating and getting ready we head to set. 

-sorry for the time skips it like 10.02 pm and I just did all my homework after dance so please be nice-

At set we say hello to everyone they could not keep their hands of Abby. Everyone wanted t hold her. After shooting she was fast asleep in Cole's arms. 

Cole: Can we have about ten of them . 

Lili: Maybe not ten but ya we could have about four or five 

Cole: Can't wait 

WE share a kiss . Abby coming turn out way better than I thought it would be.   

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