Drunk Juggie

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Betty Pov

It was Saturday night, I was hanging out with my parents watching a movie when there was a knock on the door.

Betty: I'll get it.

Mom pauses the movie. Get up to get more popcorn. 

Betty: Who is it? 

?????: Toni 

I open the door to reveal Toni, SweetPea, Fangs, and my Juggie.

Betty: Hey, What are you guys doing here? 

Fangs: Well Jug her want to have fun so drank 

I knew Jug would drink he'll only get tipsy.

Betty: So he Drunk before 

SweetPea: Ya but he over drunk 

Betty: Why you bring him here then? 

Jughead: I want my Girlfriend!

Toni: That's why.

Fangs: He's been asking for an hour.

Betty: Aww 

Alice: Betty who's at the door?

Betty: Jug, Fang, SweetPea and Toni.

Alice: Your father and I just got called to a meeting will be gone for a while. Love you. 

They left. 

Toni: Well be on our way here's your boyfriend

Jughead: Betts 

Betty: Yes Juggie 

Jughead: I love you 

Betty: I love you too Juggie 

Jughead started kissing my neck.

Betty: Juggie stop

Jughead: Whyyyy

Betty: Let's go upstairs 

Jughead picked me up bridal style taking me to my room. 

Jughead: Now we can cuddle 

Betty: Let me change  Juggie 

He takes his shirt off handing it to me.

Betty: What are you doing?

Jughead: Letting you sleep in my shirt 

Betty: Okay let me get ready for bed 

I walk into the bathroom taking off my make. I was brushing my hair when two strong arms wrapped around my waist. 

Betty: What are you doing Juggie 

Jughead: Come to bed Baby, I want to cuddle 

Betty: Okay Okay I'm coming 

After a lot of kisses, we finally fell asleep.


I woke up to Juggie groning.

Jughead: What how did I get here, and Why does my head hurt so bad?

Betty: Well you were drunk last night. Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea brought you here last night after you had to much to drink and keep asking for me. 

Jughead: I'm so sorry baby I was probably been horrible 

Betty: NO, Juggie you were so sweet all you wanted to do was cuddle and kiss all night long.

Jughead: You know with this Hangover I would like that 

Betty: Than let's 


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