3:: Valentines

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Chapter3:: dtd 14.02.2019

That night when reached home, Aarav picked up his Dadu' phone.

"Dadu, I am taking your phone. Okay?. Buy a new one for me tomorrow and take back yours." Aarav said to Arvind and went away with the phone not giving Arvind a chance to speak.

"Anyways I don't need one late this night. Tomorrow will buy Aru a new one." He went to his room.

Aarav went to his room. Closed his door. He took out Khushi's card and saved her number. Then changed to his nightwear. He then tore down a piece of paper and wrote

'Dad, I am good. I am not that much angry with you. By tomorrow I will be ok. So leave me alone for this one more night. GOOD NIGHT. Love you. MUAHH."

He then opened the door, came outside his room, and stick the piece of paper to his door. He then went in and locked the door.

Aarav usually sleeps with his Dad unless when he is offended by Arnav's hothead attitude. So after the fight at his school, Aarav slept in his room instead of Arnav's. Every day Aarav will stick out a message for Arnav.

Aarav then switched off all lights except the night lamp. He got into his bed with his Dadu's phone. He then opened the messenger and messaged Khushi.
"Hi Khushi, I am Aarav. The boy from the cafe. This is my Dadu's number. It was so nice meeting you. Good night. 😊💖"
Sending the message, he kept the phone aside and went to sleep.

Next morning.
When Aarav woke up saying 'Khushi'. The first thing he did was check the phone for any messages. His face brightened up when he saw a message notification from Khushi's.

'Hai Aarav. Yes, I remember you. How can someone forget such a cute boy? Good morning Sunshine. Now run for school. Have a great day.😊 "

He kissed the phone screen after messaging her a good morning. Then happily went to shower.

Aarav was the first one to reach the dining table. Then his Dadu came down.
"Good morning Dadu."

"Very Good morning Aru." Arvind sat down. " You seem very happy today."

"Yes, Very 'Khushi'."

Then he saw his Dad coming down.

Aarav went running to Arnav and wind his arms around Arnav.

"Good morning Dad."

"A very good Morning indeed" wished Arnav kissing his forehead.

"So champ isn't angry with his Dad anymore? "

"Nope. But last chance for you to rectify yourself. If I again find you fighting with someone, then you will be admitted in some weird hospital Lav Aunty proposes." Aarav told sternly.

"Ok ok big guy. I will try to redeem myself."

"Not big guy. But little man!" Aarav said dreamily.

"'Little man?' Okay. Have your breakfast I will drop you at school today."


After breakfast, as promised Arnav dropped Aarav in his school.
When he got to the gate, he saw his friend Shreya waiting for him.

"Hey, Aarav. Wasn't that your Dad? Will he come to pick you after class?" asked a very excited Shreya.

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