8. Happiness

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"No Angel. No excuses. You have to come today. And that's final." Aarav kept the phone without bothering to hear Khushi's reply.

"What has got into him suddenly?  Yesterday I went there. He didn't mentioned anything of coming today also. Well he is. Atleast he used to hear my part but what happened to him today? But what excuse will I give to my family?. Khushi find an excuse. Or else Aru won't leave you in peace. Stubborn kid. But my sweetheart. " Khushi giggled and went to sort things.

Raizada Mansion.


"Hey dad." Aarav turned to Arnav.

"What's going on?" Arnav questioned when he saw Aarav instructing HP about cake.

"Oh nothing I am waiting for my tutor. I've got classes."

"But cakes?"

"Oh that, actually she is friends with us too. And it's Sunday. She makes delicious cakes. So usually after class we prepare cakes. Me, Aru and Khushi." This time Arvind answered.


"His tutor." Arvind replied.

Hm might me someone of Dad's age. Arnav thought in mind.
"Good. I never met her. Today I will." Arnav's phone popped up with an email. He turned his attention to it.

The bell rang and Hari prakash opened the door. Khushi came in.

"Hey Angel." Aarav run to her. 

"Hey Aru", a melodious voice reached Arnav's ears. He turned and saw the lady pecking Aru's forehead.  Her hair framing her face hid it from his eyes. He shifted his attention to his phone again.

"I knew you would come Angel."
Aarav said happily hugging her.

"How can I deny you my Prince?"
Arvind chuckled at Angel and her Prince. This is a usual sight for him. 

"Hey Uncle," Khushi waved at Arvind and walked to him .

"Hello dear." He patted her head side hugging her.

As like for Aarav, Khushi made her place in Sr. Raizada's heart too.
As she came of the hug she noticed a tall figure besides Arvind. That's when he too looked up and saw her.

"You?!" both spoke at the same time. 

"What are you doing here?" Arnav remembered  the lady from the mall who even after him saving her yelled at him in return.   Khushi remembered the guy who had  rage in his eyes and  possessiveness dripping his voice for his  daughter. What is he doing here?

"Angel? Dad?  You know each other?" 

"NO"  Both spoke at once spitting fire on each other.

"Oh kay." arush said doubfully. "Anyways,Angel meet my dad Arnav Singh Raizada. Dad meet my tutor, Khushi"

The way he spoke to me that day, I bet he has got a daughter. But Prince never mentioned any such of having a sister. Then how?? Khushi rubbed her forehead in confusion.

Arnav's phone rang breaking her thoughts. "Hello, hold on." he then turned to the trio. "You guys carry on. I need to take this. " Arnav said to his dad and Aarav.

Arnav's Room. 

The second he got in, Arnav locked his room and unhold the call.


"Arnie.." a happy voice greeted him through the phone. 

"Hey" He answered with a smile.

" Can we meet today? I am alone here at home."

" Uh.. actually i thought to spend time with everyone here."

"Oh. Then that's okay. Bye" she hung up.

Arnav went downstairs not knowing how to chear shreya up. He looked around and found Khushi, Aarav and Arvind in the kitchen having a gala time. Anyways they are enjoying, then why can't I  too. He went inside and called Arvind.

"Dad, umm I need to go out. Uhm meeting. " Arnav made up an excuse.

" Ya that's fine. Bye Arnav." Arvind said giving him a glance. 

AR Penthouse.

"So no new marks?hm Good." Arnav said after inspecting Shreya's tiny hands. 

"You know, now I am way ahead in the syllabus than in school." Shreya replied excited. watching her hazel eyes twinkling is such a sight for sore eyes. He feel elated when that twinkle is because of him.  

"I have got something for you." Arnav extended  the packet he bought for Shreya from the mall previous day.

"WOW! Boxing gloves. Awesome. Thanks Arnie." she said jumping on to him. 

He patted her head fondly.

Thus Arnav went to spend his day with Shreya while Khushi was with Arvind and Aarav. It's kind of strange even after having a lovely family we choose happiness outside.


Hey pals, I was kind of busy lately. 

Now hopefully back in track. 

A quick short update for you. 

Thank you so much for the support till date.

 loVe  AryaARshi😍😍

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