12. RM smiles

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Chapter12 : dtd 18.08.2019

2 weeks passed as  usual. Only difference was that RM heard Arnav's laughter very often in last 2 weeks He had sobbered down. The smile never left his lips. Before his employees he was the same. ASR - The Terror. But to people who deals close to him, it was obvious that he is changing.

Shreya came home that Friday with Aarav to RM.

" Hai Shreya."

"Hello Aarav's Dadu."

"Great you come with Aarav on my instance today. Last time when you came , I could mingle with you properly. Someone had whole of your attention and he too didn't let it wave off him."  Arvind said remembering how Arnav and Shreya were occupied with each other till evening.

That evening when Arnav instisted he would drop Shreya and hence Khushi back home, Khushi had strictly denied.

Aarav too sided his father with dropping Khushi and Shreya.

Khushi had very lovingly made the little boy understand that it wasn't needed. Even though Aarav was a kid who knew nothing about the malicious society, Khushi thought atleast Arnav would get it. But since Shreya happened, his common sense clearly goes on vacations very often.

But then Arvind who decipher what Khushi meant strictly forbid the father-son duo. Atlast both agreed to send Khushi and Shreya back on the condition that Arnav's very trusted and able BG , Steve would drop Khushi and Shreya back home. Unknown to others but to Aman obviously, Steve is secretly keeping an eye on ASR's princess. She is given same priority as the Raizada Heir Aarav gets.

Just like for Aarav and Khushi, for Arnav and Shreya too, each other runs deep in their blood now.

"Ohh kayy." Shreya replied not getting  what actually Arvind said about someone taking whole of the attention.

"Where is Fluffy, Aarav's Dadu?"  Shreya asked Arvind.

"Oh he is in the kennel besides the garden."

"I will go see him then?" Shreya asked for permission.

"Ofcourse dear. I will join you shortly. Will arrange some snacks and refreshments for you."

When Shreya ran away to meet Fluffy, Arvind turned to call HP.

"HP , bring some refreshments for the kids to the garden. We will be there."

"Now let me go to Arnav's princess. Need to keep a keen eye on her. God forbids a scratch on her Arnav will go insane. Good that Aman advised me before hand."

Arvind remembered what Aman said about what Arnav did to the teacher who had pinched Shreya at school when the teacher caught Shreya talking in the class. Not only did the teacher pinched her hard leaving a purple bruise on her milky white hands which Arnav found that weekend, the teacher made Shreya stand on her feet the entire 15minutes of the class.

ASR had treated the same teacher the very royally next day, by puncturing her car's tyres leaving the poor lady  in the middle of nowhere on her way back home. He used the signal jammers too forcing the lady to walk a good 2 kms to find a shop to phone the mechanic to get her car ready. The lady had a sore feet for next few days.

Even though Arvind was astonished of the childish plan Arnav made to repay the teacher, it clearly made Arvind see how deeply things related to Shreya affects Arnav.

Proof? There was a similar incident happened few years back.

Arvind went down the memory lane. It was when after the demise of the ladies of RM.

For Aarav they had hired a governess. Aarav was some 3years old. Aarav was always a calm child. He totally took on his mother. Calm , quite ,peace loving.

That night when Arnav came to check on Aarav he accidentally saw some marks on Aarav's thighs. He pulled away the displaced quilt from Aarav's body. It woke Aarav. Arnav inquired about the marks. After a lot of pestering Aarav told that when ever he made a mistake, the governess used to beat him with stick.

Obviously Arnav took an off the next day.
The governess came by 10.

Do I really need to say what happened to the governess then? The governess was seen cleaning the whole mansion single handedly fo the next whole week. He snatched her job and made her a maid for the next week.
He had threatened her to ruin her career when she tried to not oblige him. He indeed did that. She never got a job of a governess after that. Only because of Arvind's intervention she got a job as a kitchen assistant in a school near by. That happened only after Aarav took pity of the governess and her two little kids and pressured Arnav to release her from the ASR's clutches.

Arvind realised, Arnav now is a protected and a possessive father of not just Aarav's but of Shreya's too.


Later that evening.
Both kids were now in the study of Arnav's completing their school works for Monday. Khushi had to complete a big order for Saturday hence Arvind had proposed to let Shreya stay in RM till Khushi finishes her work. Two people Arnav and Shreya were more than happy when Khushi agreed to it. Thus came Shreya that evening to RM with Aarav.

3 of them were deeply engrossed in their work in the study. Kids with their home works and Arnav with his office works. When Arvind came to call them down for dinner, he got so pleased with the sight bestowed upon. Aarav and Shreya were jelling together now. Even though not besties, they had build a good rappo. 


Dinner time..

Shreya and Aarav were busy discussing something. Atlast, they came to an agreement it seems. Shreya spoke first.

"Arnie, will you take us for an outing this Sunday?"

"This Sunday?" Arnav had a trip to Mumbai that Sunday and was planning to stay till Tuesday there.

"Yes Dad. Please.  We wants to go. " Aarav too backed Shreya.

"But this Sunday.." He stopped saying further looking at them. The hope in their eyes.
Aman can manage this trip. Definitely. I can't disappoint my kids. He decided.

"Okay. The outing is on." Both ran and hugged him from both sides.  Unknown to Arnav, they  passed a smirk and wink at each other.

But Arvind noticed it all. The special winks and mischievous eyes of both kids.

"Now what are they upto?"

That night, Arnav slept  in the middle with both kids snuggle to him from sides. Their tiny hands wrapped around him. His wrapped around protectively.

Both the kids saw a beautiful dream that night. Will it come true? What are they planning? Let wait for Sunday.

Hai.. ,❤️
All good ? I know it is. ,🤩

Next update next Sunday.

LoVe AryaARshi 😍 😍

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